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Welcome to the Isle of Arrival, where the Gods left you at your mercy after summoning you from who knows where. Although your future seems uncertain, don’t let the night terrors and the humans that came before you overwhelm you in your ascent as a Hero. So before you waste a thousand hours searching for some sign or oracle in Dawn of Defiance, you should know that you must find and complete the challenges of all the Places of Power and open the Temple dedicated to the Goddess Hecate.
What Are the Places of Power and Hecate’s Temple?

Wandering around the island, you will see along some trails “decorations” with purple and gold cloth along with torches. If you follow these trails, you will find several ruins with giant statues of warriors, all guarded by soldiers. These are the Places of Power; there are three in the Isle of Arrival, and they are the key to opening the Hecate’s Temple, but you must first solve their puzzle. Hecate’s Temple is another site of interest on the island; through the forest, you will glimpse a pair of massive gates blocking the way into the mountain. So, your mission is to find a way to access the interior and discover more of your heroic quest.
How to Complete the Places of Power (I, II, III) in Dawn of Defiance

The method is to go straight to the gates of Hecate’s Temple. To your right, there will be three peculiar statues of warriors with different weapons. In front of these statues, you will find a lustrous and luxurious golden chest from which you will get the following recipes to use in your Crafting Station:
- Giant Stone Bow
- x7 Stone
- Giant Stone Spear
- x7 Stone
- Giant Stone Sword
- x7 Stone
However, before anything else, you must have unlocked in the Build Menu of the Primitive Hammer and built these workstations:

Butcher’s Block / Hunter Station
It processes the animals you hunt into meat, bones, and pelt.
- x10 Softwood
- x5 Flax
- x10 Stone
- x2 Resin

Crafting Station
A workbench to elaborate more advanced tools.
- x10 Softwood
- x5 Animal Bone
- x5 Hide Strips
- x15 Thatch
Now, you just have to go to the different Places of Power and complete each statue with its respective weapon to activate each mechanism. Remember to carry extra Ambrosia with you; try to collect this material whenever you can. When you complete this task, Hecate’s Temple will await your return with open doors.
Hecate’s Temple
Inside the Hecate’s Temple, there will be more chests for you, but there will also be another strange mechanism to create a portal to another zone in Dawn of Defiance. To activate it, you must collect these materials:
- x400 Ambrosia Dust
- x50 Animal Bone
- x200 Softwood
- x200 Stone
This is how you take the next step in your never-ending quest to discover what the gods expect of you and your role in Hecate’s plans. Keep moving forward to find your destiny. The Fates are watching very closely how you make your mark on history.