Erewhon Market is a supermarket chain in Los Angeles famous for the quality of its organic food. However, this brand is recognized as one of the USA’s most expensive supermarkets. This is because of its products, which, besides being organic, are free of pesticides, and there is a specific section for people with certain allergies. But let’s face it, in this economy, almost no one can access groceries at Erewhon Market. So when Demi Lovato posted a video on TikTok of her trying an Erewhon strawberry, many mixed reactions resulted.
Among Erewhon Market’s items, one of their organic strawberries is one of the most viral. That’s why many people share their reactions to this particular strawberry on social media, but it got more attention when Demi Lovato shared her response on her TikTok. Many initially laughed at how Demi smelled the strawberry and said, “It smells like strawberry,” However, everything changed when the actress and singer bit the strawberry. The celebrity’s face changed almost instantly into something akin to disappointment, giving an 8/10 rating because the strawberry isn’t tart, but it’s not that sweet, either.
This level of capitalism is actually sick
Many users felt offended because people as well known as Demi are consuming so much, and spending too much money, which is insulting, especially with so many economic problems in the USA. Others defended Demi Lovato by saying that she can afford luxuries, such as eating this Erewhon strawberry because she is rich and can afford them. However, from the celebrity’s reactions, it seems that she also regretted spending $20 on that over-priced strawberry.
“I wasted $20” this is the most honest review yet tbh
If someone rich like Demi regrets buying this product, I think it says a lot more. Buying food and essentials is already very expensive for many in the US, so it is ridiculous that some stores sell a single strawberry for that price.