From the game that quickly turned into a grind fest to get the best possible gear imaginable and friends coming together to play the same missions over and over again comes a new addition to what could possibly be the next display in your home. It sounds like I’m being a bit harsh on the game but I did enjoy Destiny (to a point) and I assure you I can’t wait to get my hands on these Destiny Mega Bloks. Will I get the sets to fly my own Arcadia-class jumpship through the halls of my home? Maybe not, but it’s still a nice enough set to have up on display or for your siblings to play with and eventually lose (by the way, I’m totally flying the ship through my home).

The Destiny playsets are set to be available this fall, which isn’t a long way from now. Other than the few images released by Mega Blocks there is little other information available but you’re at least guaranteed a ship, a hoverbike, your very own guardian, and your own little ghost (no longer voiced by Peter Dinklage).
Are you planning to get yourself a Destiny playset once they’re released? Will you display them proudly for everyone to see and possibly repel most women, but surely impress the people you truly want to be friends with?
It’s a waiting game at this point but soon I’ll be flying my jumpship through the halls of my home.