With comic-con and all the excitement about the upcoming superhero movies that we have to look forward to, you might be forgiven for forgetting that Doctor Who Season 9 will be debuting this September. Season 8 was quite the rollercoaster ride. We to know Capaldi’s newly regenerated 12th Doctor. The Master regnerated into a woman. There were plenty of ‘big’ moments for Whovians to debate.
So what’s waiting for us in Capaldi’s second season at the Tardis controls?

Well the biggest news about Doctor Who Season 9 is the casting of Game of Throne’s Maisie Williams as an, as yet, unrevealed character. This has had the rumour mills working overtime on what role Williams will be playing.
The most popular theory is that she will be playing Susan Foreman. For those of you who never watched ‘classic Who’ (or at least not the First and Second Doctors’ runs,which were in black and white), some explanation might be needed.
Susan Foreman was the Doctor’s grandaughter, who travelled with him for the first season. The character remained behind on a Dalek invaded future Earth. This was because she’d fallen in love with one of the resistance fighters. And also because her actress was bored of her role in every episode being to scream when confronted by danger.
Sadly, Steven Moffat dismissed this theory yesterday. He noted that while Williams’ character would play an important role, she wasn’t a returning character. Admittedly, he did add the qualifier, ‘unless I’m lying’. But this does seem to blow this theory out of the water.
Moving off the subject of Doctor Who Season 9, Moffat also took an axe to the persistant rumours of a Doctor Who movie. In particular, he expressed opposition to any potential movie having a different Doctor to the current tv incumbent.