2020 is just awful. The Dune movie has been pushed back into 2021, just in case you needed further proof. We simply cannot have nice things this year. To make matter worse, it’s not even coming in early 2021. The film has been pushed back all the way into October 2021! That’s an entire year from now! Originally scheduled for December this year, the push back is sure to break the hearts of movie fans around the world. Personally, Dune was the only film I was truly looking forward to in the cold, dark remainder of 2020. If I’ve waited this long for a Dune movie (no, I’m not counting the bonkers David Lynch film), I guess I can wait a little longer. I’m not happy about it though!
Movies Dropping Like Flies

In fairness, the writing has been on the wall for a while now. With lockdowns still in place around the world, it is not a good market to release major films. We’ve already seen the new James Bond film, No Time To Die, fall back into 2021. Notably, it sunk an entire cinema chain in the process. With enormous budgets, these major releases simply can’t absorb the financial hit of empty cinemas. Batman and Black Widow also join Bond and Dune in being delayed into 2021.
What Does This Mean for 2021?
Beyond the movies we’ve already mentioned, Top Gun: Maverick, Fast & Furious 9, and Ghostbusters Afterlife are all also pushed back to 2021. That list isn’t even the entire list either! Wow, a lot is happening to movies in 2021! I understand the desire to fill cinema seats for those sweet, sweet ticket sales. However, people will only go and see so many movies. Loading the year so heavily will inevitably result in some cinema-goers opting to wait for releases on streaming services. This is a risk publishers have decided to take, but only time will tell if it was the correct one.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to continue sulking about the Dune movie delay!