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After trying the Dynasty Warriors: Origins demo for a couple of hours, and frankly, more than I thought I would spend in the Battle of Sishui Gate, I have more than enough to make a proper preview. However, before I get into it, I need to state something: I’m a Dynasty Warriors rookie, at least regarding the mainline franchise. I’ve played some of the spin-offs Omega Force has worked on, such as Persona 5 Strikers or Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Yet, the main series has eluded my backlog. Not anymore. After battling Lu Bu repeatedly, I can firmly say Dynasty Warriors: Origins is setting the stage for the perfect starting point for new players and a hack-and-slash haven.
Welcome to the Fight

Whenever I looked at a new Dynasty Warriors game, I felt nervous about jumping into the series. The franchise has so many games that joining in the middle of it felt daunting. Fortunately, Dynasty Warriors: Origins works as a soft reboot, taking the long-standing story that takes place in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms back to its, as the name implies, origins. Thus, we dive into one of the most chaotic and fast-paced action series ever made at the agile hands of a nameless and amnesiac protagonist, which works perfectly for any new potential fan joining the fray.
From the start, you can see that Omega Force is trying to make Dynasty Warriors: Origins one of the most approachable games in the series, or that’s how my preview felt. Initially, I thought fighting thousands of enemies would be scary. “How will I do it?” I asked. “Will I have to worry a lot about my weapons, tactics, and managing other armies?” I pondered. Well, not at all, unless you dive into the nitty gritty aspects of it. Instead, Dynasty Warriors: Origins flings you into the over-the-top action the franchise is known for and lets you learn the ropes as you slice, smash, and trample over enemy troops.
Furthermore, players won’t have to feel overwhelmed by years of missed plot points. Remember, the protagonist mirrors a newcomer — they know nothing. With that in mind, our nameless fighter and ourselves are looking at these historical figures for the first time, which is refreshing. In my case, I already knew a bit about them after playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 REMAKE, but I was glad to see them in a more action-oriented landscape.
The Most Enjoyable Mayhem

With the lengthy praise toward the approachability of Dynasty Warriors: Origins out of the way, it’s time to talk about combat, which I experienced the most during my preview. In a sense, the series maintains its roots. You have one character defeating thousands of enemies with a few swings in the most epic ways. However, the way the mechanics are presented makes fighting highly addictive.
Before starting the battle, you can pick your preferred weapon, gems that give you passive skills, and even allies to help you on the battlefield. Once the scenario begins, you start charging toward the map’s strategic points to capture them and advance toward the final objective. In that way, the gameplay loop sounds a bit simple. However, there are many more things between a battle that make each stage much more intricate.
For instance, when I started the stage and reached the first cluster, I thought the gist was about spamming light and heavy attacks and some of the skills you can use by accruing bravery. But then, I saw a stronger enemy with a few shields on their HP bar, so I approached it to see what the deal was. In what might be a not-so-apt comparison, that enemy felt like a mini-boss fight in a Souls game. Many might hate that comparison, but it felt as tactical and as difficult as that genre. I had to dodge, parry, and break down an enemy’s defense to then make critical attacks — it was amazing.

In addition, there are many more things that will occur during a stage. At certain points, other enemy officers challenged me to a one-on-one duel. Also, the ally that accompanies you becomes playable, too. You can take control of them to wreak havoc across the battlefield and finish off all enemies with a devastating attack.
All in all, the combat of Dynasty Warriors: Origins is certainly the highlight and feels highly approachable. If you only want to focus on button-mashing and over-the-top moves, you can do that. However, as I did my fifth run of the same demo scenario, I noticed how I was missing out on the game’s other important aspect: the strategic gameplay.
Deeper Than You Imagine

At first glance, it may seem like Dynasty Warriors: Origins is an entirely hack-and-slash adventure where you mindlessly slice your way through hordes of foes, and frankly, that’s how I approached my preview at first. However, when I felt more confident, I cranked up the difficulty and realized I was missing out on some of the game’s main elements, namely controlling the battlefield.
Your army isn’t the only one progressing through a stage. At certain intervals, enemy reinforcements will arrive. In certain situations, some officers will need your help. Failing to aid them will only make the final fight tougher. Also, your guard plays a key aspect in every battle. You have your soldiers who can clear the way by charging, shooting arrows, and even circling foes. When I got a grasp of those mechanics, I realized just how deep the combat was, and I loved it.

Sure, it doesn’t run as deep as an RTS or a tower defense game, but it’s more of a moment-to-moment action-packed scenario where every choice matters. You can follow down a lane and clear it to reach a battlefield checkpoint. However, other allies may fall behind. In that sense, you need to think about where to go next. Should you travel across the whole map to capture one area or stick with your allies to push to the end faster? It’s up to you.
Furthermore, if you meet a defeat screen, there are many ways to fix a match. You can rewind a stage to certain points. If you don’t perform well after capturing an area, you can return to it and take a different approach. Also, the game presents you with a recording of the battlefield’s progress. There, you can examine how things transpired. Maybe the reason you lost was because you left two of your allies behind during the early stages. If so, you can return to that part and help them to change the tides of war.
A New Legend in the Making

I’m aware 2024 isn’t over yet, and 2025 has already a few games lined up and promising to become instant hits. However, the one I’m confident will knock it out of the park is Dynasty Warriors: Origins, and my preview of it made me even more sure about it. Origins balances strategy and fast-paced action perfectly. On top of that, it seems there’ll be a healthy amount of customization options for build-makers. And if that wasn’t enough, every battle, ranging from cannon fodder soldiers to boss fights, was a spectacle through and through.
While the demo for Origins was quite generous, I can’t wait to play the full version. While we’ve seen a few showcases, I can’t even imagine the full scope of this adventure. Plus, it’s exciting to jump into it as a fledgling fan. Getting into the series doesn’t feel daunting anymore due to this soft reboot. Frankly, Omega Force and Koei Tecmo have an excellent track record of creating some of the best gaming amalgams in the industry. Dynasty Warriors: Origins is perfect for those who want fast-paced action, strategic moment-to-moment gameplay, and a hack-and-slash marvel from start to finish.