The Misericorde dagger is a weapon that focuses on Strength and Dexterity, and it can be found quite early in Elden Ring. It is a great weapon for short-range melee combat and can deal critical damage. Although Misericorde is located in the Stormveil Castle, you must navigate the confusing and complex chambers to reach the hidden room. A magic mist blocks the entrance to the chamber, and you’ll need a Stonesword Key to dispel it.
Where to Find Misericorde in Elden Ring
(Updated on August 8, 2024 – updated links and format)

The Misericorde dagger can be found on the east side of the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. However, you need to teleport to the Liftside Chamber and head outside through the open door to your right. This will take you to the courtyard filled with enemies and barricades. I recommend just sprinting past them since your goal is to reach the entrance across the field. Don’t worry; they won’t follow you inside.

Next, you just need to pass through another door in front of you. This will bring you to the dining room. Afterward, you need to enter another area via the entrance to your right. You may miss it since your attention will be drawn to the bright entrance in front of you.

To your left, you will discover a door covered in magic mist. To access this area and get the Misericorde located inside, you need to put a Stonesword Key in the imp statue. You can get this item from several sources. In the Stormveil Castle, you can find one lying on a platform over a mess hall containing the Grafted Scion mini-boss. You can also discover another one from a corpse on a broken roof near the Rampart Tower.
Inside the locked chamber, you must fight two soldiers. Luckily, they’re just a regular mob, and you should be able to defeat them easily. The Misericorde dagger can be found on the corpse near the table.

Note that this room also contains two more valuable items. You can grab the Hawk Crest Wooden Shield from the sitting corpse; there’s a lootable Iron Whetblade from another human body in front of the cauldron.
Misericorde’s Stats

The Misericorde is a dagger that deals Slash or Pierce damage. It may not be the game’s most mindblowing secret, but at least it has the Quickstep skill that lets you dash into any direction to dodge attacks or reposition yourself. You need to have seven points in Strength and 12 in Dexterity to fully utilize this weapon. Here are the Misericorde’s stats in Elden Ring:
Stats | ATK Power | Guarded DMG Negation |
Physical | 92 | 36.0 |
Magic | 0 | 21.0 |
Fire | 0 | 21.0 |
Lightning | 0 | 21.0 |
Holy | 0 | 21.0 |
Critical | 140 | 0 |
Guard Boost | 0 | 15 |