Let’s be honest; Terminator Genysis wasn’t a very popular movie and the odds of it getting a sequel were pretty low from the get-go. And now those odds have got significantly worse with Emilia Clarke’s admission that she won’t be returning to the role of Sarah Connor.

There’s likely to be other reasons, but, according to comingsoon.net, Emilia Clarke’s reason is due to new roles that have caught her interest;
“No,” Clarke put it succinctly when we asked if she might again play Sarah Connor in future Terminator sequels. “Can I say that? It’s okay. No. Uh-uh. But I have some very different roles coming up.”
Among those roles is the lead in Warner Bros. Pictures‘ Me Before You which, the Game of Thrones star explains, is a dream project for her.”
According to Clarke, she read the book while filming Genysis and, in her words,