The newest installment in the Ghostbusters franchise, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, is coming next summer, and the first images from the film have been released. With the release of the 2016 Ghostbusters film receiving a mixed response from viewers, fans of the series can only hope for the best.
Ghostbuster fans may be happy to know that Afterlife is in familiar hands. Jason Reitman, known for directing films such as Up In The Air, Juno, and Thank You For Smoking, is the writer and director for Ghostbusters: Afterlife along with writer Gil Kenan. He also appeared on screen in Ghostbusters 2 from 1989. Reitman may sound familiar as Jason Reitman’s father, Ivan Reitman, directed and produced Ghostbusters 2. Ivan Reitman will also be producing Ghostbusters: Afterlife.

The story follows a single mother played by Carrie Coon (Gone Girl) who moves to a small town in Oklahoma with her two children played by Finn Wolford (Stranger Things) and Mckenna Grace (Captain Marvel). They move to a piece of property that Coon’s character Callie inherited from her father whom Callie has never met. They soon uncover their connection to the original Ghostbusters when stumbling upon “Ghostbusters stuff” that comes with the property.
The new movie’s story will correlate directly with the 1984 movies and takes place after the “Manhattan Crossrip”, unlike the 2016 Ghostbusters flick that took place in its own universe.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife also stars Paul Rudd as summer school teacher Mr. Grooberson who was a child during the Manhattan Crossrip, and is passionate about the event. He helps the family understand what they have inherited.

Not much else is known about the movie at this point, but the first official trailer is set to drop on Monday, December 9. Ghostbusters: Afterlife is slated to be in theatres on July 10, 2020. Cross your ghoulish finger Ghostbusters fans… let’s hope it’s a good one.