Have you noticed the Funko Pop! figures are literally “popping” up everywhere? I am amazed at the way they can put a character into a little bobble-head style figurine and make you want to buy it. One of our featured sponsors, Nested Universe, is dedicated to providing all of your favorite figures and more! They sent us a collection of characters, mostly from Avengers: Age of Ultron and we wanted to share them with you. IronMan is one of my son’s favorite Avenger characters and he would love to get his little hands on this Funko Pop! vinyl figure!

Another character that ranks pretty high with our 6-year old is Captain America. And he makes a pretty darn cute one too!

He is my little superhero and comes in many forms, depending on what day of the week it is. I’m sure he would love to add the next Pop! figure we want to show you to his collection. Who wouldn’t want Captain America from Avengers: Age of Ultron?

Another character that my kids say I imitate pretty well. I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no, I don’t turn green and bust out of my clothes (Thank Goodness!) but I do a pretty good Hulk voice, “Hulk don’t like it when you’re school work is not done!” or “Hulk don’t like when you two fight!”….You get the drift….Nested Universe sent us the Hulk Pop! figure from the same Age of Ultron movie and you can see, his Pop! figure is not nearly as scary and the real Hulk.

Nested Universe also sent us the Hawkeye figure from the same movie. I am not as familiar with him. The only thing I know is when my son and I play Lego Marvel on the Playstation, If I am Black Widow’s character then he needs to be Hawkeye. He likes the character and knows much more about him than I do (maybe he should be writing this article). But for all you Hawkeye fans out there, take a look at this figure:

And, of course, we have Black Widow. The one thing that I noticed about this Pop! figure is that she is a little “top-heavy”, meaning her feet are tiny and her head is big. It was a little more of a challenge to stand her up than the others who have wider feet. Other than that, she is a great addition to anyone’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and would have to be a pretty cool chick to hang with all these other guys!

What’s an Avengers movie without a bad guy? So, here you go! Ultron, he is a powerful villain and the Avengers must face him in the movie. He was made by Tony Stark to protect the world but decided the only way to accomplish that goal was to exterminate all humans. See the problem there? We are so glad Nested Universe included the bad guy in this collection that was sent to The Nerd Stash. It feels more complete!

Now, that is an awesome set of Pop! figures, check it out!
You can purchase each of these at NestedUniverse.com. *DON’T FORGET, when you order, The Nerd Stash readers can save 10% off their first purchase with THENERDSTASH coupon code! What a Deal!
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