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To some players, exploring a massive overworld is what makes a game fun for them. For others, including us, we want to explore everything as fast as possible. Enshrouded definitely makes travel difficult, especially with the looming threat of the Shroud and the creatures that lie within. That is, if you don’t have a bed that you can use to fly across the map with. One Reddit user discovered what might be the greatest, if not only, flight glitch in Enshrouded, especially for lazier players who would rather not have to lift a finger. Even if it takes one hundred attempts, that’s better than opening up your map to see all of those death marks from trying to get through difficult areas. Now, you can just fly over them.
Do You Wonder What The Animals Below Are Thinking?

At first, it almost seems like the developers at Keem Games knew about this flying glitch in Enshrouded. There’s a random bed set up below a grappling hook that leads you to the top of a building. The top of the building just has a skylight that doesn’t lead to any treasure or notable items. What reason would this be here if it wasn’t for someone to discover one of the most helpful glitches in the entirety of Enshrouded? Of course, a glitch wouldn’t be that great if you couldn’t perform it wherever you wanted.
You don’t need the grappling hook to perform this glitch, just the bed. Just whip out a bad, like you normally would when you’re alone in the wild, and set it down. However, we definitely recommend upgrading your glider or getting more stamina before going these long distances. While this glitch does take you across the map, it’s at an incline. This means that you’ll always be going higher and higher as you watch the world around you begin to fade into faraway pixels. When you feel like it’s time to descend, you can come down from the skies and make all the animals in the area question their reality. Just make sure to open your glider before splatting on the ground.
Enshrouded: Starter GuideIt’s Just You, A Bed, And the Whole World

Regardless of where you set up your bed plane, you need to still do the flight glitch in Enshrouded. At the top of your jump, you’ll want to press the interact button. The goal is to time it so that you go up to the momentum of your jump rather than the bed pulling you down to lie down on it. If you didn’t summarize it from above, you’ll want to try doing this at an angle. The lower the angle, the further you’ll fly without going so high up. The days of struggling to find ways around obstacles and tall mountains are over thanks to the bed overlords. At least, until the glitch gets patched out.
Enshrouded is available in early access on Steam.