Do you dream about the Peace Garden State? Maybe you’re from there or longed to visit? In any case, make your dreams come true in BitLife once you figure out how your Bitizen can be born in a city in North Dakota. Randomizing a life is fun, but personalizing it can indeed help with some roleplay or if you’re aiming to complete a specific challenge like the Honey Honey Challenge. You’re in luck as it takes mere seconds to specify your birth location.
Being Born in North Dakota in BitLife
[Updated September 12, 2024 – new images and information]

For those who want or need a Bitizen born in North Dakota, you must first begin a new BitLife playthrough. From there, take the following steps:
- From the main menu, select “New Life”
- Scroll down and ensure that “United States” is the country
- Underneath, click on “Place” and scroll until you find the city of “Fargo”
As you cannot specifically choose a state, you must know or research which cities belong to which states. For North Dakota, BitLife can allow you to be born in Fargo, the largest and most populous city in the state.
Now, all that’s left is for you to play the game. You can always live out your life, no matter how long or short, in the state or hightail it out of there when the time calls for it.
Additional Way to Be Born in a Specific State
Another way you can ensure your Bitizen is born in North Dakota is to purchase and use God Mode. It’s a permanent purchase, and as the name implies, it gives you greater control of your Bitizen’s creation. Not only can you easily decide where they’re born, you can also determine their looks, attributes, and more. You can freely change things up whenever you want as you play.
It’s a fun feature, but not necessary. You can also add custom cities to the game, but this is for flavor only. It won’t work toward a challenge. If your only goal in BitLife is to be born in North Dakota for roleplaying purposes or to complete a challenge, you can easily customize a new life by selecting the proper city.