Entering Shang Tsung’s Laboratory, you’ll find a secret passage as soon as reaching the second hallway. The road is blocked by barricades, and you can clear it out by completing the Rise From The Ashes Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Season 8. This Klue has a direct reference to a character that turns into a phoenix as their Animality.
Rise From The Ashes Klue Guide

You can complete the Rise From The Ashes Animality by performing Liu Kang Animality called the “Rising Phoenix.” Once again, the Fire God’s might is needed, and what a great symbol to present the Chosen One in a Mortal Kombat game. The finisher looks very pleasing to the eye, especially in the final scene.

- Liu Kang Animality: Down – Left – Down – Triangle/Y (Mid)
There is no set of challenges to do during the fight for this Klue, and that’s why Invasions Season 8 has some of the easiest mysteries to solve. However, if you miss your attempt to perform the finisher, you must fight the same foe once more and make sure you burn them alive with Liu Kang’s Animality.
Completing the Rise From The Ashes Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Season 8 rewards you with a unique Raiden skin called the Frenzied Thunder, an epic Talisman, and 100 Seasonal Koins to spend for items. So far Seasons 7 and 8 have had the least number of Klues in Mortal Kombat 1 since last year, but the free rewards are always worth the attempt to solve these small and sometimes funny to hear by name secrets.
Remember that if you’ve missed some of the previous Seasons Klues in Invasions mode in Mortal Kombat 1, you can always retrieve some of their unique rewards by playing the Legacy Tower in Towers of Time game mode.