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Lethal Company became popular in a very short time. And this is not surprising since, in addition to the exciting gameplay, it has many secrets and Easter eggs. The most mysterious among them all is a secret item similar to either a Generator or a Submarine found on one of the moons in Lethal Company. Finding it is quite easy if you know where to look. But to use it, you will need to put in a lot of effort.
Secret Submarine Location

While most of Lethal Company‘s secrets are hidden on various moons, the mysterious Submarine is located at the Company’s base. You could visit the Gordion-71 moon dozens of times and still not find this secret since it is located under the Company building. To get to it, you will need to go through a special path:
- After leaving the van in the Company building, go left until you find a hatch on the floor.
- Then go down the ladder and jump onto the beam next to the railing.
- Walk along the beam to a dead end.
- After that, jump onto the platform and find the hanging switch.
- Finally, use it to turn on the lights, and you will find the Secret Submarine or Generator in Lethal Company.
What Is a Secret Generator in Lethal Company?
The players who found this Easter egg for the first time had many versions of its purpose. Some believe that this is some kind of nuclear Generator since it is located under the Company building. Others believe that it is a Submarine because of its shape. However, they are all wrong.
If you take a closer look at the room, you will find rails under the “generator”. These rails rest against the wall on which the site is painted. Therefore, we can assume that this mysterious item is a drill. As proof of this, in the game files, this object is also called a drill.
However, this drill does not work in Lethal Company. It has several slots for power sources and ports for connecting something. Perhaps in future updates, the developers will add a way to power and use this drill.
That’s all you need to know about the secret Submarine in Lethal Company. This mysterious object has no defined purpose yet, so we can only wait for new updates from the developers. In the meantime, please take a look at our guide on how to defuse Mines in Lethal Company.
Lethal Company is available on PC via Steam.