With the release of the Star Wars event in the Fortnite universe, many changes have been added to Lego Fortnite. Stormtroopers, E-11s, Bowcasters, and even Lightsabers are now available in the Lego world. In many different parts of the Lego world, you can encounter majestic yet terrifying Empire Bunkers. When you enter them, a tough battle and great rewards like Lightsabers will be waiting for you. However, you’ll need Code Clearance in Lego Fortnite to enter the Empire Bunkers, so here’s how to get it.
Lego Fortnite: Getting Code Clearance

To get Code Clearance, you must first find the Rebel Outpost. This is actually quite easy to do. After logging into your Lego Fortnite world, you will see Captain Bravara around your Village Square. Speak to her, and she will give you Macrobinoculars. With this item, you can see the Rebel Caves, Empire Bunkers, and Rebel Outpost.
After you’ve talked to Bravara, go to the first blue icon you see with Macrobinoculars, namely the Rebel Cave. Next, enter the cave and make your way through, then exit through the other side of the cave. Now, you will be able to see the Empire Bunkers around you and most importantly the Rebel Outpost by using your Macrobinoculars again.
After reaching the Rebel Outpost with the help of your Macrobinoculars, talk to Captain Bravara again and she will enlighten you on what you need to do. At the center of the Rebel Outpost, you will notice a similar structure to the Village Square in the Rebel Outpost. You can level up your Rebel Outpost from there. This is exactly what you need to do to get Code Clearance in Lego Fortnite, you need to level up your Rebel Outpost to level six.
After leveling up your Rebel Outpost to six, talk to Captain Bravara again and she will reward you with a Lightsaber and give you the Code Clearance you need. Once you have Code Clearance, you can use your Macrobinoculars again to find the Empire Bunkers. When you open your Macrobinoculars, the locations with the red emblem are the Empire Bunkers.
These locations are very similar to normal caves, but there are many Stormtroopers inside and you need to kill them all to advance. If you are not prepared, it can be quite difficult and deadly. At the end of the Empire Bunkers, you will find a large chest with many valuable items and most importantly, Lightsabers.
If you need a video guide on how to get Code Clearance in Lego Fortnite you can watch the video below: