I don’t mind traveling in Roblox Fisch, but if you’re like me and want to shorten the time you spend out on the ocean, you should know how to get Conception Conches. It’s a pretty handy item to have when you’re in the middle of nowhere. Using a Conception Conch in Roblox Fisch sends you all the way back to your set spawn point, but to get one, you kind of have to drown.
When you jump into the game, events are going to be happening pretty frequently. To get a Conception Conch in Roblox Fisch, be on the lookout for the Strange Whirlpool event. The game will notify you along the top when one spawns.

Unfortunately, you can’t force these to spawn. However, they’re linked to server time, which means you could join another server if one doesn’t appear. It’s not the most elegant solution, but that’s what I do. I’ll stick around for a couple minutes until I see the next event spawn, and if it isn’t Strange Whirlpools, I move on.
Hop onto a boat and start circling the islands. When you see a water tornado in the distance, make a beeline for it. Now, you’re usually going to see two whirlpools. You want to dive into the whirlpool with the water tornado. Yes, you read that right. No scuba gear is needed; just hop into the Strange Whirlpool, and you’ll be whisked away to Vertigo.

Vertigo is an underwater cave, but more importantly, Synth, the NPC down there, will sell you Conception Conches for $444 a piece. You’re welcome to buy as many as you want; in fact, Conception Conches are a one-time-use item.
You’ll also find the Nocturnal Rod for sale; though it’s not quite the best rod in Roblox Fisch, it’s a pretty darn good one. Also, there’s a deep cavern in Vertigo, where you’ll find unique fish to fill in your Bestiary.
To get out of Vertigo, you do NOT have to use a Conception Conch, regardless of what the game tells you. That is an outright lie. Just leave the game and rejoin, and you’re right back on land. You can change your spawn point at an innkeeper or beach keeper.