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New updates bring new characters, quests, and even dishes to Palia. For example, along with Patch 0.173, new recipes appeared in the game, including Congee. Although this is a common dish, it is quite easy to prepare, and it will restore up to 75 Focus. But before you can make this delicious warm rice porridge, you need to unlock the Congee Recipe in Palia. To do this, players have to complete all the new story quests.
Where To Find Congee Recipe in Palia

Like all new recipes added in Patch 0.173, Congee can be unlocked by completing a specific quest in Palia. More precisely, you must complete all new quests, up to Extravagant Expectations. During them, you will be preparing for the arrival of Subira.
In fact, she prefers simple food that can be prepared while traveling. You will learn about this at the end of the Extravagant Expectations quest. During this last quest, Subira will not only show you how to cook Congee in Palia but will also give you the recipe at the end of the quest.
How To Make a Congee in Palia
As we said, Subira prefers simple food. And what could be simpler than delicious rice porridge prepared from one ingredient? So before you start cooking, you need to find Rice if you don’t have it.
Players can grow Rice in 3 days in their garden. To do this, you will need to purchase Seeds for 23 Coins from Zeki. Alternatively, you can visit Daiya Family Farm and buy Rice there to save time. But it will cost you 105 Coins apiece.
Luckily, you only need 2 Rice to make Congee in Palia. Then, find a Campfire and start cooking. It only takes 15 seconds, so you don’t have to wait long. It is also worth noting that Subira will tell you during the quest that you can add various toppings to this porridge. However, players can only make this simple soft porridge without any additional ingredients.
That’s all you need to know about how to get the Congee recipe in Palia. This dish is very easy to prepare and does not require many ingredients, so it is an excellent option if you need to cook something fast. In addition, it restores a good amount of Focus, especially if you make a star-quality version.