Nosepass is a fan-favorite Pokemon from the Hoenn region that resembles a large, blue stone with a large, red nose. This strange Pokemon returns in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask with its evolution, Probopass. You can find the first evolution in this line pretty easily in the overworld, so we are going to show you how to get and evolve Nosepass in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask.
How To Get Nosepass in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask

If you’re looking to add a Nosepass to your party, then you can locate on just southwest of Paradise Barrens, as we outlined on the map above. This is where we were able to locate this Pokemon however, you are able to find it in most of the areas to the northwest of the Kitakami map. In our experience, we were able to find it amongst Pokemon like Sandslash and Noctowl. Once you finally have a Nosepass for yourself, it will register in your Kitakami Dex as number 107, just before Porobopass and after Ludicolo. Once the time comes that you want to evolve it into Probopass, then that’s when things become a little complicated.
How To Evolve Nosepass in The Teal Mask
When the time comes to evolve Nosepass into Probopass, you’ll want to expose it to a Thunder Stone. You can easily find one of these stones by doing any of the following things:
- Catch and register 30 Pokemon in the Paldean Pokedex.
- Purchase one for 3,000 coins at the Delibird Presents shops at either Cascarrafa, Levincia, or Mesagoza.
- You can also find them at Porto Miranada auctions.
- They can sometimes be found in sparkling dropped objects.
Nosepass and Probopass Type, Abilities, and Type Effectiveness
The following is everything you would need to know about both Nosepass and Probopass:
- Nosepass
- Type:
- Rock
- Abilities:
- Sturdy: This ability makes it so that the user cannot be knocked out after one hit, making it so that at least one HP remains.
- Magnet Pull: This prevents any steel-type Pokemon opponents from escaping the battle.
- Sand Force (Hidden): With this hidden ability, it can increase Nosepass’s ground-type moves and steel-type moves by 30% during a sandstorm.
- Weakness:
- Water, grass, fighting, ground, and steel.
- Resistance:
- Normal, fire, poison, and flying.
- Type:
- Probopass
- Type:
- Rock and steel.
- Abilities:
- Sturdy: This ability makes it so that the user cannot be knocked out after one hit, making it so that at least one HP remains.
- Magnet Pull: This prevents any steel-type Pokemon opponents from escaping the battle.
- Sand Force (Hidden): With this hidden ability, it can increase Nosepass’s ground-type moves and steel-type moves by 30% during a sandstorm.
- Weakness:
- It is mainly weak against fighting and ground but is also weak against water.
- Resistance:
- It is highly resistant to ice, psychic, bug, rock, dragon, and fairy, but is also resistant to normal and flying.
- Immune to:
- Poison types.
- Type:
How To Get Morpeko in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Voilet: The Teal Mask DLC is available now on Nintendo Switch.