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Zoma resides within the isolated Zoma’s Citadel at the center of Alefgard. Unfortunately, you do not have the legendary bird Ramia in this section of the world, and you can only travel by regular ship. Since this island is surrounded by tall cliffs, you cannot reach the final dungeon with your ship. You must obtain the Rainbow Drop in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake by combining three legendary items, such as Sunstone.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake Rainbow Drop Location
The Rainbow Drop is not an item that you can find in a treasure chest in Dragon Quest III Remake. You must gather three unique items that are scattered throughout Alefgard.
- Sunstone – Tantegel
- Staff of Rain – Shrine of the Spirit
- Sacred Amulet – Tower of Rubiss
Where To Find Sunstone in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Out of the three items to make the Rainbow Drop, the Sunstone is the easiest one you can get in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. You can get a hint of its location by speaking with Robbin’ ‘Ood, who has been locked in a cell on the second floor of the church in Tantegel. He will tell you that he has hidden this strange object in the castle dining room.
After speaking with the king, you can head up the dining room using the eastern side stairs. It’s located on the second floor of the castle. The treasure chest will be left at the northwestern corner of the room near a piece of armor.
How To Get Staff of Rain

The second item you need to create the Rainbow Drop is the Staff of Rain. This one is also rather easy to obtain since you just need to speak with the Servan of Rubiss. You must travel to the southern region of Alefgard and visit the Shrine of the Spirit.
Toxic purple sludge that will harm your party surrounds this structure. To avoid damage, you can cast the Safe Passage spell that Priest and Sage classes can use. Just head to the second floor, and you can finally speak with the person who has been guiding you from the start.
Where To Find Sacred Amulet

Finally, the last item you need to make the Rainbow Drop is the Sacred Amulet. This object is the hardest one to obtain since you have to complete a dungeon. You need to travel to the Tower of Rubiss on the northern side of the map.
Before entering this dungeon, you need to obtain the Faerie Flute to awaken the sleeping goddess. You can find this item by visiting the Kol village on the northeastern side of the map. Then, you need to head to the Hotspring and examine the glinting patch of dirt near the water.
After you have the flute, you can finally grab the last Rainbow Drop material. Note that you need to beat the Soul of Baramos before you can awaken the goddess. Although you have beaten his physical body, this faithful Zoma follower will try to stop you for the second time.
How To Use Rainbow Drop in Dragon Quest III Remake

Once you have the three items, you can head to the Sanctum in the southeastern region. Combining the three objects, the priest will make you the Rainbow Drop. Luckily, you can still keep the Sacred Amulet and use it as an accessory. With the key item in hand, you can finally go to the eastern island, where you can summon a rainbow bridge that will help you reach the isolated plateau where Zoma’s Citadel stands.