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Before facing the final boss of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, you have a chance to obtain the strongest weapon called the Sword of Kings. Unfortunately, this legendary blade has been broken, and you must fix it first. You will need to travel across Alefgard and visit various cities and settlements. There are three key items that you need to find, and you must also find a talented swordsmith in a secluded village.
How To Fix Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake
When visiting Castle Tantegel, you will discover that the three legendary treasures have been stolen. Among them is the Sword of Kings which has been broken into two by Zoma in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. You will need to get three items before you can fix this blade:
- Orichalcum
- Broken Blade
- Forging Hammer
How To Get Orichalcum in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

You can get Orichalcum in Dragon Quest 3 Remake by visiting Damdara, which is located in the Desert on the southwestern side of Alefgard. Luckily, the friendly NPC that gave you the map has also marked this settlement with an X sign, making it easier for you to find it. Once you arrive, just head to the field where the villagers keep their horses to find the first key item in a patch of grass.
Where To Find Broken Blade

Now you need to find the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, which is currently only a Broken Blade. You must head to Cantlin on the southern side of Alefgard. This settlement is near the Shrine of the Spirit. The path to this small town will be covered in toxic sludge, so you need to cast Safe Passage to protect your party.
Once you have arrived, go to the building on the western side of the town. The whole place will be in disarray, but you must go to the second floor. In the west room, you can find a scientist who has placed the Broken Blade on top of the table. He’ll let you take it with you since he no longer has use for it.
How To Get Forging Hammer

For the last key item, you must find the swordsmith who can restore the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. He is actually a villager from Jipang who flees to Kol after Orochi wants to eat his wife. This small settlement is located near a massive mountain on the northeastern side of Alefgard. You must go to the second floor of the item shop to speak with the man.
The swordsmith will tell you that he needs his Forging Hammer before he can fix the blade. You must return to Jipang and enter the northwestern house to find the key item inside a clay vase. Then, teleport back to Kol to give the tool to the NPC. If you have all three items with you, the man will quickly fix the Sword of Kings for you. This weapon is the best gear that our hero can use to face Zoma.