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There are many armor sets in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, some new and some straight from the first game. Regardless of where some of these armor sets came from, they all can be useful in one scenario or another. Many armor pieces like the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom have specific purposes, some that can aid Link in specific fights or exploration ventures. If you’ve ever found yourself annoyed that you can’t climb in the rain, this armor set has the perfect solution for that issue. Now, if you have a specific piece of armor, you can climb unhindered by the elements. The only issue is getting your hands on the armor in the first place. It’s an item you get from quests, not rupees. Luckily, we have a full guide here that can teach you what you need to do to get the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Where To Find Froggy Sleeve in Tears of the Kingdom

The Froggy Armor is one of the most useful armor sets in the game. Newly introduced during Tears of the Kingdom, this armor as a set comes with the valuable additive that it prevents Link from slipping while climbing in the rain. While this might seem like a highly specific ability, it’s definitely useful. If you’ve played the game for very long, you understand that it can be pretty inconvenient in the middle of a climb up a tall mountain if it starts raining. In some situations, the rain could be a disruptor for all progress. Since there’s no real way to skip time in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, without that armor, you’ll be caught waiting for the rain to end naturally.
For the impatient, getting the Froggy Sleeve is a must. To get the entire set, you’ll need to complete a series of quests. These questlines are rather long for each piece, so in this article, we’ll just be covering how to get the Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. To get the first part of the Froggy Armor, Link needs to complete a long series of quests that make him a member of the Lucky Colver Gazette. Throughout these quests, Link travels to each stable in Hyrule before completing small side quests at each. After the first four quests, he’s rewarded with the first part of the armor: the Froggy Sleeve.
How To Get the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

To start getting the first part of the Froggy Armor, you’ll need to complete at least some of the Lucky Clover quests. These quests involve finding and reporting things for the Lucky Colver Gazettes to become a fully-fledged member. Head to the Lucky Clover Gazette Building near Tabantha Frontier to get started. You can find it near the eastern side of Lake Totori, near Rito Village. Once you speak to Traysi, you can begin the “Potential Princess Sightings” questline. This questline involves helping Penn, a Rito reporter for the Lucky Clover Gazette, investigate some reported sightings of the princess herself.
Once you start this questline, you can visit stables in any order to progress it further. We have a recommended set for ease of access. Find Penn at each stable and investigate the sightings. Once you complete four of these stable-related quests, you’ll be awarded the first part of the armor set. Penn will always be around any stable you go to, but for the sake of this walkthrough, we’ve listed a few stables you can try to get the first four quests done in short order. If you’re having trouble finding these stables, we have some coordinates for you that can help guide your way.
- New Serene Stable (-1346, 0735,0085)
- Outskirt Stable (-1410, 1291, 0032)
- Snowfield Stable
- Gerudo Canyon Stable (-2795, -2237,0029)
New Serene Stable Quest
To start with getting the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll need to find Penn. You can find Penn in front of the New Serenne Stable. Talk to him to get more info on this area’s quest. Once you talk to Penn, he’ll tell you that the princess has been sighted riding a large beast nearby. To look into it further, head to the Lakeside Stable nearby in the Faron region. Once there, you can look across the water to find a group of new animals in Tears of the Kingdom. These basts are called Dondons. A woman named Cima watches over the Dondons, and if you speak to her, she’ll tell you that the Dondons were Zelda’s discovery. She apparently unearthed these animals right before the Upheaval, which is where the rumor of her riding some came from. After speaking with Cina and getting the story straight, you can talk to Penn again to conclude the mission.
Outskirt Stable Quest
Outside of the Outskirt Stable, you can see Penn talking to someone. To start your second mission at this stable, talk to Penn. The bystander is named Nell, who was just flagged down for help by a bystander in trouble. According to Nell, the bystander ran away, and they want you to go find them and see if they’re alright. Just up the road from where Penn and Nell are talking, you can find a road that diverges three ways. Underneath the base of the tree at that diverging is the woman you’re looking for. Once there, speak to her. You’ll discover Ralera under the tree, who says that her blonde friend is in danger. She refers to the friend as a regal person, which hints that she could be referring to Zelda. Link needs to head where the woman is hiding, and the only enemy in the way is a Black Bokoblin.
To make progress on getting the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll need to humor the suspicious character. Once you reach the mission marker, you’ll need to climb a cliff in the rain. Luckily, you can use Recall to elevate yourself up to where the mission market is. Once you get to the top, Ralera will wait for you. Once you get to her, she claims that her friend is in a different location, across the opposite cliff. You can use the paraglider to humor her demands, eventually finding himself on the Great Plateau. Once you talk to Ralera again, she says the next place for Link to go is his grave. Like you may have predicted, this is a Yiga fight. Defeat all three Yiga and talk to Penn to complete the quest.
Snowfield Stable Quest
Once you arrive at Snowfield Stable, talk to Penn. He’ll be speaking to a worker at the stable named Hawlow. The worker tells you that he was boarding a golden horse that belonged to Zelda at a stable, but it escaped. He explains that one night, the horse was making awful noises. When he came out to check on the horse, he found Zelda herself riding it. She seemed cold to Harlow during the exchange, and during the transfer, the horse escaped, being terrified of its owner. Harlow also mentions that the reason no one has gone looking for the horse is because of the three-headed ice dragon that is roaming the lands.
Concerning the beast, you have a few options. You can always sneak past it and move on. If you want to fight the ice beast, you can. Just be sure you win. Whatever the case, once you get by the dragon, continue north until you find a small pack of horses that Zelda’s horse is traveling with. If you’re having trouble locating the horse group, they roam around the following coordinates: -1829, 3401, 0235
Gerudo Canyon Stable Quest
To complete your final quest for the Froggy Sleeve in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, travel to the Gerudo Canyon Stable. There, find Penn. He’ll tell you that apparently, Zelda closed off the well that the stable uses. Once you get to the well, you’ll notice a big, breakable wall on the other side. Destroy it, but be prepared for a fight. On the other side of the wall are several Lizalfos. When you defeat all the enemies in the area, your quest will be complete. Talking to Penn will finally reward you with the Froggy Sleeve.