Enshrouded has a vast map and going to different places can be time-consuming. One of the main ways to travel long distances in the game is using a glider. The Ghost Glider is considered the best and fastest glider available in Enshrouded and here is how to get it in the game.
Where to Get the Ghost Glider in Enshrouded

The Ghost Glider is located in the Scatterbone castle on the south-east side of the map. The nearest fast travel point to it is Ancient Spire-Kindlewastes. The Glider is inside a chest at the top room of the castle. You can use several ways and methods to reach the castle’s top room. Acquiring the Double Jump and Updraft perks is also best to make climbing easier for yourself.
The first and most obvious way is to head straight to the castle and defeat every enemy that comes your way. Or if you possess a good glider, you can use the cliffs from the right side to glide down at the entrance of the tower without fighting any of the enemies.

The gate of the tower will be locked and in order to open it you have to use your bow to shoot the three buttons. Two of them are located on the right and left side of the door and the last one is located at the top of the pillar behind you. Once you hit all three, the door will be open.
As you go upstairs, the next door will also be locked with the same mechanism preventing you to get the Ghost Glider. From the moment you reach the next floor, turn left and go straight until you reach the balcony on your left. On the left side of the balcony, you can find the first button.

From the balcony turn right and head straight. Turn left at the end and pass the first pillar. Then look up behind that pillar at the top to see the next button. Now go straight from the way you were going and then turn left until you reach a shelf of books. Interact with it to get access to the next button.

And for the last button, continue your way until you see a hole in the wall on the left side. Use your bow to shoot the button and after that, you can reach the top floor. As you make your way to the top, you will face the wyvern as well. Once you’ve defeated it, use a lockpick to unlock the door and climb up to reach the room with the Ghost Glider chest inside it.

That was everything you needed to know about where to find and how to get the Ghost Glider in Enshrouded. Make sure to check our website for more content and guides as well.
Enshrouded is currently available as Early Access for PC.