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Advancements are the equivalent of the Achievement system in Minecraft Java Edition. Some can be effortlessly obtained just by playing it normally, but some are a challenge on their own. One particular head-scratcher is this Advancement that requires you to go to the Nether and walk as far as you can. Unlocking the Subspace Bubble Advancement in Minecraft can be tough, but our guide is here to help.
1. Make a Nether Portal to Start Your Minecraft Subspace Bubble Advancement Journey

First, you will need to travel to the Nether to unlock the Advancement. To do that, you’ll have to make a Nether Portal which requires at least Obsidian Blocks x10 and Flint & Steel. If you’re lucky, you might also spawn near one.
Make a 4×5 frame using the Obsidian Blocks and then light it up with the Flint & Steel. If you’re low on Obsidian, you can ditch the four edges of the frame. Walk into the purple portal and wait for a few seconds until you’re teleported. Don’t forget that:
- You need a Diamond Pickaxe to be able to mine Obsidian Blocks.
- You need more Obsidian Blocks x10 to be able to make it back home from the Nether.
2. Travel Past 875 Blocks Along the X Coordinates in the Nether

Once you’ve entered the Nether, it’s time to track your progress. Press F3 to open the debug screen in Minecraft Java and see your coordinates. To unlock the Subspace Bubble Advancement in Minecraft, you must travel 875 Blocks away from the portal along the X coordinate.
Look for the ‘XYZ’ line on the debug screen and take notes at your starting X position. Now all you need to do is walk (or fly) the other way until you’re 875 Blocks away. So if you start at X 23, then you have to stop at X 898 at minimum. Of course, you can go much further than that to be sure. We went through 977 Blocks at X 1,000. Better safe than sorry.
Keep in mind that unlocking Advancements works even if you’re playing on Creative Mode. Trust us, even with Creative Mode turned on, traveling more than 800 Blocks still takes a bit of time. Not to mention those Nether Blocks that will get in your way!
3. Head Back to Minecraft Overworld to Unlock the Subspace Bubble Advancement

After you’ve made sure you’ve gone past 875 X coordinate Blocks, it’s time to head home. Make another Nether Portal with Obsidians and Flint & Steel, step inside, and go back. If you do this correctly, the Subspace Bubble Advancement Challenge notification should pop up on your Minecraft screen.
Unlocking the Subspace Bubble Advancement is pretty straightforward, but takes time and effort. Especially if you do it legit. We hope our guide helps you to prepare for the task ahead.