In Lords of the Fallen, Umbral Scourings is a unique currency that you can use to obtain unique boss-related equipment and abilities known as Remembrances. If you have played other soulslike games like Elden Ring, this won’t be so strange to you. After you farm a decent amount of Umbral Scourings, you will be able to exchange them with Molhu for boss weapons and other gear. However, like other soul-like games, Lords of the Fallen leaves you blind about methods to get Umbral Scourings. Though you might gather a few while exploring the world, there are a few bulletproof ways to get this rare currency.
Lords of the Fallen: How To Farm Umbral Scourings

Here are the best methods to farm Umbral Scourings in Lords of the Fallen:
- Interact with Umbral Echoes:
Umbral Scourings can be acquired by interacting with Umbral echoes of NPC conversations. Although you will get around two Umbras Scourings per conversation, this method is a reliable source of Umbral Scourings throughout the game. - Defeating Bosses:
Another guaranteed way to obtain Umbral Scourings is by defeating bosses in the game. These powerful foes reward you with Umbral Scourings upon their defeat. - Killing Unique Umbral Enemies:
The most efficient method for farming Umbral Scourings involves taking on unique Umbral enemies, like the Red Reapers, found in later game zones like Calrath and Pilgrim’s Perch. For better farming, we suggest you plant a Vestige Seedling near their locations to serve as a checkpoint within the monster-infested territories. This will create a time loop for you as you can return and defeat the enemy again. These battles are quick and easy and provide a decent amount of Umbral Scourings in Lords of the Fallen. - Loot Umbral Bodies:
Umbral Scourings can also be found in Umbral bodies located on walls and objects that can be activated using the Umbral Lamp.
Do not sell Umbral Scourings for Vigor early in the game, as this currency has more value when exchanging it for Remembrances.
Early Umbral Scouring and Vigor Farming Glitch
Thanks to YouTuber iSeraph, players are riding on an early glitch for Umbral Scourings farm in Lords of the Fallen.
The glitch can be performed in the Bell room in the Vestige of Blind Agatha. Here is what you need to do:
- Go to the Bell room, which is at the Vestige of Blind Agatha in the game.
- Run past the enemy and jump off a ledge where you will then enter the Umbral realm.
- While in Umbral, you need to climb up on a platform.
- Stand on the edge of the platform so that you’re almost falling off.
- The Red Reaper enemy will spawn and instantly die due to the glitch.
- You will receive Umbral Scourings (a fixed amount of 5) and some Vigor, which may vary depending on your character’s level.
- The glitch can be left running, and the drops and Vigor do not seem to despawn.
If you are struggling to understand all things Umbral Scourings, here is a brief summary:
- Umbral Scourings is the in-game currency used to obtain boss-related items through Molhu at the Skyrest hub.
- There are a few ways to get Umbral Scourings in Lords of the Fallen, including through main boss fights, killing of Umbral enemies, listening to Umbral Stigma conversations, and looting Umbral bodies.