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Warframe has received a new update, Abyss of Dagath, which brings a new Warframe, tons of new resources, and items you need. One of the new items is Abyssal Beacons, a key item in getting to the Abyssal Zone, obtaining the new Warframe, and unlocking its full power. However, these items are hard to come by and instead of farming them, a different way must be used to get them. This one involves your Syndicate rank and the in-game store.
How To Obtain Abyssal Beacons in Warframe
Abyssal Beacons are unique items in the Warframe’s Abyss of Dagath update. They act as keys, granting access to the Abyssal Zone mission on Ceres. Without an Abyss Beacon in your inventory, you won’t see the Abyssal Zone on the navigation map. Completing this mission is how you earn Vainthorn, a rare resource in the Abyss update. Vainthorn is crucial for crafting the new Warframe, Dagath, and her signature weapon.
To get Abyssal Beacons in Warframe, players can buy them from specific Faction Syndicates, including the Arbiters of Hexis, Steel Meridian, and New Loka. It is essential to reach Rank 2 standing with these Syndicates to be eligible to buy Abyss Beacons. These beacons are available in the Syndicate offerings at a cost of 5,000 Standing each. However, it is important to note that your Standing income is limited daily. This limit will allow you to buy only one or two Beacons per day based on your Standing accumulation rate. However, as you progress in standing with your chosen Syndicate and reach Rank 4 or higher, you will receive discounts on Beacon prices, making them easier to get.
How To Use Abyssal Beacons in Warframe

Using Abyssal Beacons in Warframe is straightforward. These beacons have a single purpose. They let players initiate the Abyssal Zone mission located on Ceres. For each run of this mission, it is necessary to have an Abyss Beacon in your inventory.
It is important to note that each Abyss Beacon is consumed as soon as you complete the mission, rendering it a one-time-use item. These missions are your way to farm Vanithorn. If you wish to keep farming Vainthorn in subsequent Abyssal Zone runs, you will need to obtain more Abyssal Beacons.
To better understand the Abbysal Beacons’ purpose in Warframe, here is a short summary:
- Abyssal Beacons are special items in Warframe that unlock the Abyssal Zone mission on Ceres. The mission is essential for acquiring Vainthorn.
- You can get Abyssal Beacons by reaching Rank 2 with Syndicates such as New Loka, Arbiters of Hexis, or Steel Meridian. Once this is done, you can then buy one for 5,000 Standing.
- Abyssal Beacon grants one-time access to the Abyssal Zone mission and it is consumed upon completion. If you want to farm Vainthorn, you need a steady supply of beacons as you need them to replay the mission.
Warframe is now available on PC, Nintendo,