Getting resources in V Rising can often be pretty challenging if they’re not your average Wood or Stone. When it comes to getting Silk, the stakes are pretty high, as well as the difficulty of the enemies you’ll need to defeat in order to get the resources required for crafting. This time around, as you find the V Blood bosses necessary to unlock the Silk recipe, you should make sure you’re properly equipped to fight them and you have the proper Gear Level. Regardless, let’s take a look at how to get Silk in V Rising and take down Ungora the Spider Queen.
[Updated May 22nd, 2024 – Added additional detail, updated images]
Before you can unlock the Silk recipe, you’ll need to defeat Ungora the Spider Queen, who is now a level 63 V Blood boss. Even if you’ve got the adequate Gear Level to fight Ungora, you’ll still need to put quite a bit of thought into the process, as well as loads of preparation. Ungora is found in the Cursed Forest, which means there’s a good chance you’ll be dealing with some pretty strong debuffs if you’re not careful about how you get there.

Before you can head into the Cursed Forest, you should have a Shroud of the Forest equipped. A Shroud of the Forest will make you immune to the Curse of the Forest, which will mess you up pretty well before you even make it up to Ungora’s location. It’s also a great idea to have a relatively strong weapon. As you can see above, I’m only rocking a Merciless Iron Sword, which is okay, but not the most ideal. Ideally, you should have something with 20+ Gear Score, and at least Tier 4 armor.

When you arrive at Ungora’s location in the Northern portion of the Cursed Forest at the Spider Cave, you’ll need to make your way through the cave to the centermost portion to find the Spider Queen.
How To Craft Silk
After you’ve made it to the Spider Queen and defeated her, you’ll have the necessary recipe to make Silk at a Loom, but you might still be lacking the required resources to craft it. The key ingredient is Silkworm, which can be found in the same cave where you fought Ungora.

You’ll need both Cloth and Silkworms to make Silk, and while Cloth can be crafted from easy to find resources, Silkworms can be a bit trickier. You’ll need to collect Silkworms in the Spider Cave after breaking Spider Eggs or defeating Spider enemies. They’re found much like Rats are, crawling around on the ground. Just walk up to them and press the F key in order to pick them up, then head back to base to craft up some Silk at a Loom using three Cloth and three Silkworms.
V Rising is now available on PC.