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You don’t have to have arachnophobia to hate minivan-sized spiders. Shrunken down and trapped in the backyard, you’ll need every tool at your disposal to survive Grounded. Bombardier Beetles and other bugs make getting close difficult, but Obsidian has a solution. Find a Thistle Plant, grab some Needles, and craft some arrows. Having a fully-supplied bow doesn’t guarantee safety from Mosquitoes and other threats, but it’s a good place to start. With arrows at your disposal, you might just survive long enough to get big. Here’s how to get and use Thistle Needle in Grounded.
Grounded Thistle Needle Location

If there’s one good thing about finding Thistle Plants compared to finding Termites, it’s that Thistle Plants don’t try to eat you. Another great thing about Thistle Plants is they’re plentiful. You can find them throughout the Grasslands, Flooded Zone, and Flower Bed, amongst other areas. There are even some near the first Field Station and Mysterious Machine (pictured above). That’s great since it gives you access to arrows almost as soon as you step into the backyard.
Although your first weapon will likely be a simple club, you’ll quickly want to advance to a bow, and Thistle Needles make that possible. Thistle Plants are easily identifiable thanks to their jagged-edged leaves and spiky Needles. Once you find one, interact with a Needle to remove it from the Plant. Once you’ve crafted a bow, you’ll be all set to pepper the local arachnid population like a medieval marksman.
Needle Uses
As with any new resource in Grounded, the first thing you should do with a Thistle Needle is take it to a Resource Analyzer for analysis. Doing so will unlock knowledge of the following items:
- Spike Strip
- Spiky Sprig
- Arrow
- Nifty Needle
The Spiky Sprig is a good early-game club, but arrows are the real prize. It doesn’t hurt that you can also use a Thistle Needle to craft a Nifty Needle in Grounded, giving yourself 25% bonus damage to all charged bow shots. To craft arrows you’ll need Mite Fuzz x2 and Thistle Needle x5, so grab as many Needles as you can. If you run out of arrows in the middle of a spider fight, the only one who will be happy about it is the spider.
Grounded is available for PC,