The longer the walk, the better the pair of shoes you need. The infinite biomes of Minecraft provide the ultimate hiking adventure if you’re the exploring type. It’s only fitting that the game equips you with footwear rugged enough to handle it. There’s a variety of boots you can craft even as an amateur cobbler, and your options only grow with your resources. Gold might not be comfy on your toes, but at least it looks expensive and keeps you safe. Don’t even get us started on Netherite. Here’s how to make and repair boots and take it all in your stride in Minecraft.
Minecraft Boots Crafting Guide

The right armor can grant you new powers as well as protection, and the material makes a big difference. Chainmail, iron, diamond, gold, and Netherite are all options, but the most basic boots are leather. Better materials like diamond and Netherite are much harder to come by, but leather just requires a few dead cows or Hoglin. The boot recipe’s arrangement in the crafting grid remains the same no matter what: it’s only the ingredients that change. Here’s what you need to do:
- Gather Leather x4 (or 4 pieces of another eligible material)
- Place the materials in the Crafting Table’s grid (pictured above)
- Collect your boots
Upgrading your boots can improve their defense points, durability, and even knockback resistance. You can also combine two pairs of damaged boots into a single repaired set, combining their durability and adding 5%. If you find yourself with multiple sets of thrashed footwear, combining them may be the easiest fix. As with other types of armor, boots fall into clear tiers, so you’ll want to grind for the strongest eventually. Even so, a beat-up pair of leather boots has gotten more than one crafty adventurer started.