VRChat helps people connect through virtual reality and interact with each other. It’s not just a way to chat but a way to play games with other people. VRChat has improved with several patches and it remains a solid way for people to play virtually. With VRChat Mobile Alpha, you can now bring the app with you wherever you go. But getting the mobile app isn’t a simpe process, which means you can’t just download it immediately. Here’s how to play VRChat Mobile Alpha as soon as possible.
Get Started Playing VRChat Mobile Alpha

You can’t play VRChat Mobile Alpha unless you have an existing VRChat Plus account. If you do, you can download the app and get started right away. If you don’t have a Plus account, you won’t be able to access the app or download it. The app is still in the testing stage, and there are many aspects that require work. Rather than letting everyone get started right away, it will be limited to those who have a Plus account.
The app is only for Android and can be found on the Google store. If you want to check the recent list of updates, the mobile release list has been labeled “m”. This lets you separate the mobile updates from the regular version. Your Android phone should have six gigabytes of RAM and Android 10 software to run VRChat Mobile Alpha successfully. If you don’t meet the requirements, you may not be able to run the app or could run into other problems.
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If you get the chance to participate in the alpha build, sending feedback and pointing out bugs will help speed up the development process. Otherwise, it shouldn’t be too different from using VRChat except it’s obvious you are using it on mobile. But the ability to take the app with you wherever you go means you always have a way to interact with your friends.