Thanks to the amazing sales Steam has every now and then and all the great demos you can add to your library and play, there is a good chance you will overcrowd your library with games. While almost everyone enjoys looking at the large library they have gathered all over the years, there might be some games you don’t want as well. In that case, the best option available is to hide them. Still, there may come a time that you will miss that game or just want to give it another chance, but because it is hidden, you cannot find it. So here is how to see your hidden games on Steam and Steam Deck.
How to View Hidden Games on Steam Deck

Steam is the most popular gaming platform on PC. It has been around a long time, has a fantastic and strong fan base, and you can almost find any game released on PC as well. Not to mention all the amazing discounts it gives its users that will temp players to buy even more games. Buying more games requires more organizing, and it means you have to cut out some games.
The best option for that is to hide your game. With hiding, the game won’t appear in your library, so neither you nor anyone else will be able to see it unless you make it unhidden. To view your hidden games is a simple task, but since Steam doesn’t exactly tell you where to access your hidden games when you hide them, it can cause confusion.
How to Refund a Game on Steam
In order to see your hidden games on Steam or Steam Deck follow these steps:
- Open Steam and login into your account
- From the top left corner select the View option
- In the menu press View Hidden Games
Once you do that, you will be taken to the Hidden Games page, where all your hidden games can be seen. If you want to unhide them, simply right-click on the game, hit the Manage option, and then select Remove from Hidden. And afterward, the game appears in your main library.