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The game has a lot of unique bosses that are always interesting to fight against and get good loot from them. The world is quite easy before the hardcore mode, and you quickly find new resources and ways to kill bosses. But after killing the Wall of Flesh, the world becomes much more dangerous, and it can take many hours to prepare for a boss battle. Luckily, we’re here to tell you how to summon and beat Empress of Light, one of the most difficult bosses in Terraria.
Terraria Empress of Light Boss Guide

Empress of Light is one of the last hard-mode bosses in Terraria that you can summon only after defeating Plantera. Like the Slime King, she is an optional boss, so you can easily complete the game without defeating her. Empress of Light can be quite difficult to summon and especially to defeat, but she drops very valuable loot that can help you in the battle with Moon Lord.
Empress of Light should be fought at night as she is weaker at this time and you can get weapons for each class with a 25% chance. But there is also a daytime version of Empress of Light that is much faster and can destroy a player in one hit. But defeating her in the daytime will bring you Terraprisma, which is one of the strongest weapons for Summoner.
How To Summon Empress of Light in Terraria
To summon Empress of Light, you must find and kill Prismatic Lacewing, a butterfly critter. This creature is quite rare and will only spawn in the Hallow surface from 7:30 PM to 12:00 AM, so you should look for it using the Lifeform Analyzer that can be bought at the Traveling Merchant. Hallow mostly appears in the jungle after you enter the hard mode. Still, sometimes it happens that this biome does not appear in your world for some reason, so you will need to grow it yourself to summon Empress of Light.
You need to look for Prismatic Lacewing very carefully because if you or unfriendly mobs kill it, the fight with the boss will start immediately. You will most likely be unprepared for this, so just use the Bug Net to place the butterfly in your inventory and start the battle when convenient. But keep in mind that if you release the Prismatic Lacewing outside the Hallow biome, it will immediately disappear.
How To Beat Empress of Light in Terraria

Empress of Light’s attacks are very fast and unpredictable, so you may need to spend a few tries practicing. During the battle, you will be constantly attacked by many beams. Hence, you must focus more on playing evasive than offensive. You will be vulnerable on the ground since avoiding attacks will be almost impossible, so you need wings or flying mounts. The longer you can fly, the better, so use mounts with infinite flight, such as Pirate Ship or Witch’s Broom.
You will need to move a lot during the battle with Empress of Light, and it can be quite difficult to aim at her, so use homing weapons. For Summoners, this is obviously not a problem, and Archers can simply use Chlorophyte Bullets, which are homing. For Mages, the Razorblade Typhoon is perfect, and Warriors can take the Possessed Hatchet. But still, there are a lot of different weapons and strategies for defeating bosses in Terraria, so you can use any strong weapon you have.
Terraria is a very diverse game, so there are many ways to defeat Empress of Light. You can build an arena and constantly dodge the beams or use cheesy strategies to kill the boss in a few seconds. Perhaps Minecart is the best and easiest way, but it will take a lot of time to build Minecart Track. Using Minecart, you will move faster than Empress of Light, and therefore her projectiles will not be able to harm you. Just remember to shoot your weapon in her direction.
How To Get the Meteor Staff in Terraria
Empress of Light is an exciting and beautiful boss that is worth defeating, even though it is not necessary to finish the game. We hope we’ve helped you understand how to summon and defeat her.
Terraria is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,