When the clock and calendar seem to be against you, it’s time to learn how to time travel in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Like other games in the franchise, the world of New Horizons is based on the time and date in the real world. That means that for crops to grow, villagers to arrive, and seasonal events to occur, time needs to pass in real life. That can be a great feature for immersion, but sometimes it slows the game down more than you’d like. If you want to take control of your schedule and make island life easier, here’s how to time travel in New Horizons.
New Horizons Time Travel, Explained

If you’re desperate to make snowballs and can’t wait for winter to arrive, you might want to time travel. New Horizons makes it easier to do than ever. That said, you won’t be able to do it while you’re still playing. That’s right, the first step to time travel is to save and quit. Once you’ve successfully saved and exited the game, here are the steps you need to follow:
- Navigate to your Switch’s “System Setting” menu
- Go to “System” and then “Date and Time”
- Turn “Synchronize Clock via Internet” off
- Select the Date and Time and change them to whatever you’d like
- Open Animal Crossing: New Horizons again
When you load into the game after completing this process, you will see that the in-game time and date reflect the changes you just made. Whether you’re trying to speed up the growth of your crops or get to a special event quicker, time travel makes it easy in New Horizons. Just beware that large time jumps may have consequences. That’s no different than if you let a long time pass without playing normally. You don’t want any of your neighbors to feel neglected just because you’ve discovered how to time travel in Animal Crossing, after all!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available for the Nintendo Switch.