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In Hades, you can unlock weapon aspects, which provide bonuses and buffs to the six weapons you can choose from. These aspects can be build defining or just a nice bonus, depending on what boons you choose during a run. In order to unlock weapon aspects in Hades, you’ll need to unlock all of the weapons and gather the necessary resources to upgrade them. There are also hidden weapon aspects that will require a bit more work.
How To Get Weapon Aspects in Hades

To unlock weapon aspects in Hades, you will first need to unlock all weapons using Chthonic Keys. The second thing you will need is Titan Blood, which is typically acquired from beating the Fury boss at the end of the first section of the game and the final boss. For each weapon you can earn the boss reward once per heat level. In addition to that, you can trade for Titan Blood with the Wretched Broker, who can be found in the lounge back in the main hub.
Hades: Weapon Aspects Tier ListOnce you have the necessary materials, you can access the weapon aspect menu by equipping a weapon in Skelly’s area and then interacting with it again. Each weapon has four aspects, one of which is hidden. You can spend Titan Blood to unlock an aspect and to upgrade the boost provided by that aspect. Only one aspect can be equipped at a time for each weapon, so keep that in mind when spending your Titan Blood. Unlocking the additional weapon aspects will require a bit more work.
How To Unlock Hidden Weapon Aspects in Hades

To unlock the hidden weapon aspects in Hades, you’ll need to put in some work. Before you can begin the process, you’ll need to meet three requirements. First, you must make it to the final boss at least once, you do not need to win. Second, you need to unlock five weapon aspects across the six different weapons, which will take a minimum of five Titan Blood. Lastly, if you somehow haven’t purchased the List of Minor Prophecies from the House Contractor for 20 Gems, do so now.
With those requirements met, you will need to get the secret phrase from different characters to unlock weapon aspects. It will take multiple conversations with each character to eventually get them to give you the phrase, after which you can unlock the hidden aspect from the weapon aspect menu. There are minor requirements for each one.
The characters you need to talk to are:
- Achilles – Varatha, The Eternal Spear (must be unlocked first)
- Nyx – Stygius, The Stygian Blade (must have five Titan Blood invested in Stygius)
- Chaos – Aegis, The Shield of Chaos (must have the shield equipped with an aspect unlocked while speaking to Cahos)
- Artemis – Coronacht, The Heart-Seeking Bow (must have five Titan Blood invested in Coronacht and have it equipped)
- Asterius, the Bull of Minos – Malphon, The Twin Fists (must have five Titan Blood invested in Malphon, have it equipped, and fight Asterius in his mini boss fight, where he is alone)
- Zeus – Exagryph, The Adamant Rail (must have five Titan Blood invested and have it equipped)
Hades is available on Nintendo Switch,