You will meet and interact with numerous faces in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. One in particular is a camel named Saharah who sells an assortment of rugs alongside Mysterious Wallpaper and Mysterious Flooring. However, one of the cooler things you can get from her is a unique red ticket. We’ll show you how you can get Saharah Tickets from the wandering merchant in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and how to use them.
Guide to Saharah Tickets in Animal Crossing

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a Saharah Ticket is a special red ticket you only receive from the merchant Saharah. As a wandering merchant, she’s never in one spot for too long. Plus, she doesn’t always show up every day. So, if you want a chance to get Saharah Tickets, you should track her down whenever possible.
You’ll earn a different amount of Saharah Tickets depending on what you buy from her. Below is exactly what you’ll earn based on the specific items you purchase:
- Small Rug: 1 Saharah Ticket
- Cost: 1,000 Bells
- Medium Rug: 2 Saharah Tickets
- Cost: 1,500 Bells
- Large Rug: 3 Saharah Tickets
- Cost: 2,000 Bells
Using Your Tickets
The only way to use Saharah Tickets in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is to give them to Saharah. She’ll automatically request to trade with you once you have 5 Saharah Tickets in your pocket. They must be in your pocket for her to request the trade. She won’t do it otherwise.
When you have 5 Tickets, you can exchange them for a free Mysterious Wallpaper or a Mysterious Flooring. These will be different than the ones that you purchase from Saharah. You can only get a maximum of 2 Mysterious Flooring and Mysterious Wallpaper per visit. Your first set can come from the Tickets, while the other set you can get by spending 3,000 Bells each.
So that’s everything you need to know about those red tickets. You never know what you’ll get once you turn them in, so keep stocking up on Saharah Tickets to see if you’ll get the Mysterious Wallpaper or Flooring of your dreams.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available on Nintendo Switch.