This article is over 1 years old and may contain outdated information.
Today, Icarus Week 75 has released a new update, and we have the complete list of adjustments here! The update mainly informs players of new content introduced to the game. The new content is primarily in the form of new missions, as noted on the game’s Steam Page. It also contains several fixes and additions that players should expect in the future. Without further introduction, follow through as we explore the official patch notes for the Icarus week 75 version update.
Icarus Week 75 Update Patch Notes
New Material
- ENCROACHMENT: Mission released after unlocking
- Minor changes to the mission step text.
- Fixed dedicated server crash due to accolade/stat loading
- ENCROACHMENT: Increased the frequency of quest progress updates and added two decimal points.
- A fix on a client progress bug.
- Encroachment: The requirement for kills in each biome has been slightly lowered, and the reward has increased from 200/50 to 250/100.

- Clean up Player Effects Component, micro-optimizations, and simplification. Moved all Tickables into a separate graph.
- Change the Atmo controller’s slow tick rate from 0.5 to 0.2 to help with jittering sun movement.
- New weather parameters will fire at game startup because their default value is 8.0, not 0.
- Rain’s incorrect particle rotation has been fixed, and the effect moves in -X like all the others. Effects of enabled drift were being changed on tick, but they were hidden and looked terrific.
- To link additional user interface strings to the existing translated text, you will need to update them.
- Hedgehog damage states have been implemented to indicate when they have less than 75, 50, or 25 health.
- Fix the filename, delete any assets that are no longer needed, move the content into the correct folder, and remove unhooked texture references. Update the citation in PlayerChar BP.
- To avoid false positives, modify the Buildable Base function to use different arrays when reporting errors.
- Place the VC folder after Vehicle MPC. Delete duplicate master files that aren’t being used.
More Fixes
- Broken spike meshes for Icarus have been added to DEP_HedgeHog_MED (SM_DEP_Hedgehog_MED_Spike_01-05).
- Broken spike meshes have been added to the ITM scorpion hedgehog trap (SM_ITM_Scorpion_Hedgehog_Trap_Spike_01-05).
- Resave audio anim alerts a few creatures and works to prevent soft path loading errors.
- All quads and Styx Override locations of exit points for Respawn Dropship seats were fixed to stop the player from standing on top of the seat after the sequence.
- A variety of texture and invisible wall issues were also corrected.
- Fixed a Variety of Texture and Invisible Wall Issues, Green Quad, and Styx.
- Fixed a bug where using fire arrows would delay applying the proper panini effect to the fire particle until you changed weapons or the camera angle.
- The ‘Attach Preview Item’ function of the firearm now uses the Panini update logic that was previously used by BP_FocusableBehaviour.
- The new BP_PaniniFunctionLibrary now contains the majority of the panini update logic.
- Also corrected a typo in the error messages.

Future Content
- Add UI popups and fish caught in the bestiary backend.
- Addition of a recipe filter icon for lures.
- Adding lava hunter walk start and stop aims to better blend in locomotions.
- More additions to lava hunter. Footstep adjustments and death curl audio
- Adding Workshop Fishfinder Item
- Some Lava Hunter heavy attacks now have added screen shake.
- Added a new way of enabling/disabling sweep damage in montages without editing curves (use new NofityState_SetBlackboardBool).
- Added WIP
- Including Steam Achievements in their Category under the Achievers menu.
- For ease of dev testing in scenarios where location information isn’t cached in world settings, add an alternative implementation of the cave location toggle.
More Additions
- Adding the first pass of cast fishing rod audio and loop. Currently, only the cast is hooked up.
- Added DEP_Smoker_T3
- Dynamic updates on Icarus’s perspective change have been added to prevent the lure from being rendered over the player.
- Added several components for the Stone constructible rework/optimization
- An added migration framework for the event that requires future data migrations
- Adjusted cave volumes, Green Quad, and DLC, and added hanging ferns, roots, and vines to river tunnels.
- Addition of a missing string table entry for the migration error message.
- Added the achievements configuration that was missing
- Numerous fishing sounds and animated notifications were
- Added, as well as a CF diorama with lighting and cameras to create images of bestiary creatures.
- Rework and buildable optimization images of grotesque creatures
- Additional components for the Stone Enhancement/rework that is buildable
- Create a new Tundra biome curve less frigid (-5 to 10) than the base arctic (-20 to -5) in temperature.
- Added D_Armour setup for Larkwell enviro suit.
- Added placeholder D_ItemsStatic row for Larkwell enviro suit pending talent creation and stat balance
- Include new tooling that provides an overview of biome data, including temperature curves.
- Increase the support for secondary decals in DecalProjectionTool so that biome names can be overlaid.
- Add row color support to the 6 Col UMG widget for better data representation/organization.
- Adjustments, more T3 fishing road sounds, etc.
- Updated material instances, produced master materials for all kits, and added more building pieces for the revamp.
- Added assets to the appropriate Collections, too.
- Add information and icons for armor-piercing rounds for the rifle and pistol (the shotgun uses slugs).
- Addition of Master materials for the wood tier kits,
- Update on all materials to use these.
- Added additional resources to the correct collection as well.
- Adding the home button and title screen to a field guide
- Hooks should be added to paint the terrain with environment temperature deltas in future content.
- Addition of the Stone’s final pieces Rework/optimization that is buildable
- Added Iridescent, Subsurface, Dither, and UV1 Color Gradient functions to M_Creature_mm to accommodate new fish-specific material into one shader
- More fishing sound adjustments and layers
- Adding a basic rod creak and a missing entry to the data table
- Adding more Categorisation to the Field Guide
- Adding additional filtering options to the Field Guide and folder view for The Bestiary & Fishing Records
- Adding Category highlighting to the field guide
Improvements and Bug Fix

Icarus Week 75 Fixed Bugs
- Fixed some lure stats.
- Refreshing the Fish Finder Location Query
- Improved Lava Hunter attack damage source location.
- Spit FX and item information for Lava Hunter
- Pass the vile string table.
- Fix for fish not appearing on clients.
- Fixed the old lure occasionally appearing.
- Changed referenced skeletal mesh of fish 001 to the new mesh.
- Adjusted sockets in the fish mouth to display nicely
- Enhance long-distance updates of lake audio components.
- Avoid expensive spline checks by
- caching an edge spline bounds sphere at initialization
- and using it as an early out of every update.
- Masks fixed for SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_R and SM_Wall_Win_DBL_Wood_L re-imported.
- Instead of simply setting interactable data to none,
- triggering a warning in the trait component setup,
- destroy the interactable component of any interactable lakes
- and rivers that don’t have Is Drinkable set in data.
- The Steam achievements are functioning correctly.
- Fixed an issue where to save complete accolades for the entire talent tree correctly.
- Resaved the DT for building validation error
Improvements for Icarus Week 75
- Setting up all fish variations Fishing Bench Filleting Station Recipes and converting the Filleting station into an auto crafter
- An update of 3 Fish14 textures.
- Change the swamp temperature curve to 10 to 35 degrees.
- Change the volcanic temperature curve to 32 to 45 degrees.
- An adjustment of Lava Flow points on rivers and lakes. The volume of every cave tunnel has been checked.
- Fixing the Porp bone on the lateral locomotion animals in the left hand will make the fishing actionable in the third person.
- A rename on Field Guide widgets.
- There’s a clean-up on the UI.
- Cleaning up categorization in the field guide
- Simple cast audio alterations.
- Repaired a hole in LC_MED_004’s roof and other issues with prefabricated caves, Prometheus
- Identifying bosses as bosses in the Bestiary
- An adjustment on Lava flow points for lakes, rivers, allium manual cave, Purple Quad, and DLC.
- Prometheus Shadow Geo: base meshes modified to use a single material and shadow settings and fixed to cast shadows rather than doing nothing.
- Incorporating brand-new diorama audio for the new biomes.
- Numerous audio adjustments to fishing events and specialties. Volume changes for the first- and third-person audio.
- Adding locks and data about bestiary data to Bestiary in an update.
- Tidying up the Bestiary creature page and adding tooltips where appropriate
- The fishing record now additionally displays fish rarity by default.
- Committing Fish Data Table
- Removed the fishing bench from the recipe set on the Icarus week 75 update.
- Deletion of the new name in the DT.
- There’s a removal of the Debug logging when choosing a new image.
- Deletion of For the Wood buildable revamps, old materials, and textures.
- Removing extra textures and repairing redirectors on many Stone materials. Buildable rework resources
- PRO_Story_6: Implement further quest steps. Implement Early blockers, enemies, and locations to flesh out
- You do not need to update the fish page to remove the Quote.
- Deleting 3 unnecessary shaders for Stone buildable
Icarus is available for PC.