They say to never bite the hand that feeds you. But what if that hand is from a self-centered content creator only interested in looking generous and altruistic for the camera? That was the case in a clip shared to Reddit that’s going viral online right now. In it, we see a virtue signalling influencer attempting to offer free meals to the “less fortunate” fast food workers at a drive-thru. The result? Utter cringe.
The 36-second video clip is taken from the perspective of the influencer as he’s sat in his vehicle. Without hesitation, the content creator immediately starts the conversation in a condescending way, saying to the fast food worker: “You look hungry.” The employee is slightly taken aback by the influencer’s tone of superiority and replies, “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? ‘Cause you can pick any spot you want and we’ll get you a free meal.” continues the content creator. To this, the fast food worker responds, “I’m not doing that, man,” who is clearly a little displeased by the influencer’s pretentious offer. “You don’t wanna free meal?” fires back the content creator.
“No, what are you doing? I’m good, man.” exclaims the worker. It’s around this point where the influencer starts to become a little offended by the fast food employee’s lack of appetite for his chivalrous offer. “We’re just gonna help out the fast food workers. Why are you acting like we’re disrespecting you? You don’t wanna free meal? Maybe your co-workers back there?”
“Are you recording?” asks the employee. In response, the influencer declares: “Yeah, we’re just gonna help out the fast food workers. Is that such a big deal?”
Next, we see the fast food worker’s puzzled reaction, and his straight-to-the-point question: “Are you gonna order anything?” with the “valiant” influencer replying: “No, we’re just gonna help you guys out. We know how hard you guys work.”
The icing on the cake? The fast food employee pays no mind to the offer of a free meal and simply ends the conversation with, “Oh, we’re doing fine, thanks.”
With the cringey clip making the rounds, the internet was quick to dive in and let their thoughts be heard in the comments section, with one commenter noting:
That guy is going places. I wish more people would act like this towards these “content creators”.
If it wasn’t for their content, they wouldn’t be offering to help people.
Another Redditor, meanwhile, chimed in with wise words: “Nothing says “I’m honestly out here to help you and be generous” like recording you only while being “generous””
Lastly, another commenter mentioned how unnecessarily insulting these “offers” from content creators can be, penning, “These people don’t realize how infantilizing it is to have someone want to “help you out” when you’re doin just fine. It is incredibly disrespectful.”
Overall, while the intention of this brand of content creation is positive, it’s fair to say that doing so with a camera switched on does undermine the thoughtful and compassionate nature of the good deed. Of course, I’m not saying all content that features generosity and philanthropy is an empty gesture. But, helping other people who’re less fortunate than yourself shouldn’t really be a public display. One comment summed up my thoughts on the matter incredibly poignantly, writing: “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” Amen to that, brother.