We recently had a chance to talk to FamilyJules7x known for his popular YouTube melodies and covers based on video game soundtracks. We here at The Nerd Stash are big fans of his work and were excited for the opportunity to discuss his work and life with him. Without further delay please check out our full interview with FamilyJules7x.
For our first question, if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m Jules, I go by FamilyJules7x on YouTube and I make guitar arrangements of video game songs.
Your first YouTube upload was “Goldeneye 64 Guitar Medley” way back in 2010. What kind of expectations did you have uploading it? Would you have been surprised to learn it would eventually get over 100,000 views?
It would be pretty silly to have uploaded something like that and expect anything like that out of it. Especially at the time when I was one of the few people doing anything like that. I’m about to perform it at MAGfest and I think that’s where the real weirdness is. I often think like how I’d react if I travelled back in time and say that in just 5-6 years I’ll be performing this silly video game medley on stages at conventions for lots of people. Probably just slap myself in the face thinking I was some crazy homeless person, give myself a dollar and say get away from me.
You worked on the soundtrack for the game Crypt of the Necrodancer, what was that like?
It was rad. Danny Baranowsky is a good friend of mine and we worked together briefly on the DLC for the original Binding of Isaac. I heard the Necrodancer stuff a while before the game’s prerelease and thought I’d get the jump on covering the music. Then when I sent him the tracks, he flipped and asked if I could do the rest of the game like that. Super fun project since everyone involved was so cool and fun to work with.

Your last couple of videos to hit YouTube have been “Top Ten” lists as voted for by your fans. How has that differed from your previous work, and is that going to be a new trend for you going forward?
I decided to take a new idea I had and put it into motion while I work on other stuff like bigger projects and performing. I always loved top ten videos having watched a bunch with my bandmates and I wanted to create my own spin on it with what I do. I’m having a lot of fun making them and people seem to be receiving them well so I’m probably gonna make a lot more.
Little “what if?” scenario. If you could work on the soundtrack to a game in any series, what would it be?
Absolutely F-Zero. It was one of the first times I heard soaring guitar like that and it definitely sparked my interest in playing. Getting to give back to something like that would be unreal.

Of all the tracks you have done, which one are you most proud of?
Probably the stuff from Necrodancer or my Goldeneye covers. Specifically my cover of Caverns. That or some of my more recent polished medleys. I thought my Pokemon X/Y and Donkey Kong Country 2 medleys came out pretty nice.
Where would you like to see yourself in five years?
Still being a dumb nerd making video game covers. A few game composition credits would be nice too.
You have worked with others to create tracks on more than one occasion, how does that compare to the experience of making your solo tracks?
On one side it’s nice not having to worry about doing that part of the song, but it’s also tough when it’s over the internet and they’re not right there with you since sometimes it can delay the process. I’m super strict about deadlines so I can be a little infuriating to work with if it’s my own project.
Any advice for a person just starting out doing covers and remixes?
Don’t ever get caught up in what other people want you to do. Always do it because it’s fun and it’s the arrangements of stuff you really care about. I can’t wait to do more stuff from games like Summoner and Jet Force Gemini even though I know they’re gonna get no views since I was one of the only people to play them when I was younger!

Editors Note: In conclusion we would like very much to thank FamilyJules7x for taking the time to do this interview with us. If you would like to see or hear his work be sure to check out his YouTube channel here, or his website here. As always be sure to check out the rest of The Nerd Stash for other great articles and interesting news.