Final Fantasy 16 launched on PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2024. However, many players are wondering whether the game will come to Xbox consoles. For gamers with multiple consoles, or even just one console and a PC, it isn’t easy to pick where to play games; some might want their collection together. Is Final Fantasy 16 Coming to Xbox Consoles?
Is Final Fantasy 16 Coming to Xbox Consoles?
Image Source: Square Enix via The Nerd Stash
Initially, it seemed that Final Fantasy 16 would not be coming to Xbox consoles as Square Enix had not confirmed anything yet. However, there is a new rumor — from industry insider Shpeshal Nick — that suggests that the Japanese company is porting the action-RPG to Xbox Series X|S consoles. It’s not yet official, so we highly recommend taking this rumor with a pinch of salt.
With Final Fantasy 16 being available on PS5, it is time for gamers to choose which platform to purchase the game for. For now, the PC version is scheduled to launch on September 17, 2024, so those who want it there will have to wait. The game is only available on PlayStation 5 consoles, and that’s how it will remain for a little longer. But will Final Fantasy be on Xbox?
Final Fantasy 16 is designed for the PlayStation 5, not the Xbox Series X/S. Many Final Fantasy games are available on Xbox One, which can then be played on Xbox Series X/S. When Final Fantasy 16 was confirmed to release, it was made official to have a six-month exclusive release for PlayStation. The game will come to PC later, but it is uncertain if an Xbox release will even come.
Note that Square Enix’s developers haven’t confirmed when or if the game will come to Xbox. Considering how many people own one, it isn’t enjoyable to think about an excellent game like this not coming to Xbox. However, it is obvious why Final Fantasy 16 is only available on PlayStation 5, this game is stunning, and the PS5 helps deliver those graphics.
With all this being said, Final Fantasy 16 is already available on PlayStation 5, will be coming to PC, and is iffy on Xbox. Hopefully, in the future, we will get a better update on whether or not it will be on all consoles. Final Fantasy 16 will most likely not be available on the Nintendo Switch at any given timed to hardware limitations.
Faith Lane is a self-published Christian author, journalist, editor, ghostwriter, and fangirl. She loves all things fandom and video games and loves to share her passion with her readers through her writing.