Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, the new revision of 2012s Kingdoms of Amalur, was announced back in June. The game’s publisher, THQ Nordic, has revealed the first gameplay trailer for the remake at Gamescom.
The new trailer focuses on combat abilities of the Finesse skill tree of Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Of the three skill trees in the game, the other two are Might and Sorcery, Finesse is stealth and archery focused path. The abilities on display will be familiar to anyone who has played a rogue or ranger archetype in a fantasy game. In relation to the other skill trees Finesse lacks the health pool of the Might tree and the Damage output of the Sorcery path but it does allow for stealth play in a way that the others don’t.
The release date for Re-Reckoning is set for September 8, 2020. The game will be available on PC, PS4, and
The original Kingdoms of Amalur could be described as a single-player World of Warcraft with a really good action combat system. Reminding players that the game had some fairy robust stealth options in addition to the more well-remembered fighting makes sense. A full stealth playthrough of the game was impossible because of several boss fights but a sneaky player could get pretty far without openly fighting much.
Not quite an Assassin’s Creed game but as close to one as we’ll see for a while.