Influencers are notorious for ruffling up other peoples’ feathers for the sake of “content.” This can often lead to some awkward interactions, which can be equally cringe as they are entertaining. The latest incident that has the internet divided involves a YouTuber called Scuffed Justin Carrey, who was live-streaming on the streets of Los Angeles and was stopped in the street by a bystander. Said person asked the influencer whether he “loves Trump“? And because he said “yeah,” a physical altercation ensued. As the incident happened live on stream, the clip is beginning to make the rounds on social media.
The footage is just over a minute long and opens on a street in LA. The YouTuber is casually walking along sporting a khaki cap and a black t-shirt when a person dressed in all black, wearing a black face mask randomly stops and asks him, “Do you support Trump? Do you love Trump?” Turning towards them, the content creator exclaims, “Yeah, why?“
The bystander then slowly begins to approach the influencer, as if to talk further, and the YouTuber suddenly feels threatened. He whips out a bottle of pepper spray and aims it at the person approaching him. “Stay away from me!” This quickly escalates the situation, and with a quick look into the camera, he unloads the non-lethal chemical into their face.
With a smile on the YouTuber’s face, a brief chase ensues. “F***ing weirdo!” yells the content creator as he runs down the street, before getting into a physical tussle with the individual chasing him. It’s hard to discern what happens during the altercation as the camera is flung this way and that. While the influencer’s on the ground, he shouts, “Rape! Rape! Get away from me!” before threatening the person, stating, “I’m gonna beat you with this battery.” The physical altercation continues to intensify, with the YouTuber yelling, “Stop attacking me! F***ing weirdo! Why are you doing that? F***ing creep! You freak! Karma got you good you freak!“
At the end of the video, we see a brief explanation from the YouTuber’s perspective. “I was minding my own business, walking the streets of Los Angeles when a deranged individual who was stalking me two minutes prior I wasn’t aware until a few viewers made me aware later the Stranger asked me if I liked Trump, which I replied yes and they decided to come at me the threatening manner and assault me”
With the clip gaining momentum online, viewers were left divided over who was really to blame for the incident. Over on Reddit, users who were more skeptical of the footage weighed in with, “He wanted a viral video“, “Looks like he was attacked for pepper spraying someone for words” and “He’s laughing when he is spraying until he got hit in the face“. Elsewhere, however, other users sided with the YouTuber, writing things like, “Who said the left believes in peace and love” and “That thing was squaring up to him Who knows what someone who’s clearly mentally ill will do, as evidenced by this asssult [sic]”