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Sara Isaac gets a bad vibe when she checks out her Life After Lockup husband Shawn Osborne’s phone and realizes he spends too much time chatting with his ex, Kelly Corallo. When Sara confronts Shawn, he starts twitching and stumbling over his words. So, she decides to take matters into her own hands and deal with Kelly.
Shawn Osborne Gets Twitchy When Life After Lockup Spouse Sara Isaac Interrogates Him
Life After Lockup spouses Shawn Osborne and Sara Isaac have it out after she snooped and finds out he has not been honest with her. Shawn is keeping secrets again, and Sara demands he tell her the truth about everything. She wants to know why he is talking to Kelly so much and where all of their money is going.

It doesn’t take Sara long to force the truth from Shawn. But she is furious when she discovers that Kelly has been getting her hands in their pockets. Shawn says Kelly won’t leave him alone. She always calls him needing money “for the kids.”
Sara Isaac of Life After Lockup loses her temper and demands to know what Kelly Corallo is doing with $1000 monthly support checks. Shawn is at a loss; he knows no matter what he says, Sara is not going to believe him anyway.
Kelly Itching to Get Back Together With Her Ex
Sara Isaac tells Shawn that most of his kids are grown, and Kelly shouldn’t need so much support. But she keeps trying to bleed them for more. Some WEtv Life After Lockup viewers think Kelly Corallo may want to get back with Shawn.
She likely believes he is raking in the cash now that he has his towing business. But Shawn has been keeping more secrets from Sara; the company is currently struggling, and he is sending more money to Kelly than he admits.

So the Life After Lockup star Shawn Osborne suggests his wife, Sara Isaac. He wants to buy a second tow truck. He feels Sara could drive with another car, double the income. But Sara is not into it. It comes down to this season of Life After Lockup, which is the same old same old for Shawn. Everywhere he turns, a woman is making demands for money from him. The only thing that would worsen his mess is if Destinie Folsom decided to show back up, too.