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Loki Season 2 takes a different approach towards the TVA than it did in the first Season. Back when He Who Remains was still alive, all that Loki and Sylvie wanted was to discover who was in charge and let everyone in TVA know that they’re variants. In Season 2 however, it’s more about saving the Time Variance Authority with a new purpose. This is while Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending got us with a huge surprise; something that might lead to rebooting the whole MCU.
Spoiler Alert! The following content includes spoilers for the Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending.
Is MCU Going to Be Rebooted After Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Ending?

The short answer to this question is no, the MCU will presumably not be rebooted for Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending. He Who Remains gave us a warning about his variants and how they’ll manipulate time if TVA is destroyed and he’s killed. Too many time branches mean that there are many versions of Kang The Conqueror already out there to fight the multiverse. In fact, we saw a glimpse of what’s coming in Ant-Man 3 post-credit scenes; including a Kang variant from Loki Season 2 called Victor Timely.
Now while Loki and Mobius are doing their best to save TVA and have Victor Timely beside them, things go completely wrong in the 4th episode of the series. O.B. and Victor work on a multiplier that can make the Loom contain all the new branches going through. However, someone needs to get out there and face the temporal radiations to shoot the multiplier toward the Loom with a launcher. This is a very hard task, and Victor Timely accepts to do it. If he fails, the entire multiverse will be destroyed.
The Destruction of The Multiverse Can Be Averted

Now while nearly all of us thought that Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending would be a heroic scene where Victor successfully manages to launch the multiplier to the Loom and save all time, he’s turned into spagetthi. It looks very much like the way Wanda Maximoff Spagetthified the smartest man alive on Earth 838, and how a variant of Ant-Man was killed in Ant-Man 3. But the important happening here, was the destruction of the Loom, resulting in a big bang-looking disaster that destroyed everything.
This might easily be the reboot of the MCU if Marvel Studios hadn’t announced the Phase 5 and 6 movies. But with the release dates at hand, we know that an MCU reboot by what happened in the Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending is quite impossible. But how will things get fixed after the destruction of Loom and the new Big Bang event?
It All Comes To A Time Loop

The first option here is time travel, just like what we saw in the first episode of Loki Season 2. In the new Season, we see that time travel is now possible in TVA, but things happen in a very different way. If someone messes with the time in TVA in the past, that event will have to happen in the future as well. In fact, everything is linked and connected in time at TVA, which doesn’t include making new branches.
This time rule in TVA makes it look like a time loop. In one future, Loki and all the others die while watching the multiverse get completely destroyed, while in the past, Loki is still looking for a way to fix the issues with the Loom and find a way to fix it. Now a question you might ask is how this happens and how will Loki go back in time. Simple; Loki has already sent himself back by pruning the other version of himself in both Episodes 1 and 4 in Season 2.
This means that we’ll probably see Loki back in Episode 1’s events again in TVA, while this time, he has to try another way to fix the Loom with O.B. and Victor Timely.
How Will Loki Fix The Temporal Loom in Season 2?

We know that O.B. and Victor Timely have already found a solution on how to fix the Time Loom, but the problem is reaching the launcher. The temporal radiation around the Loom won’t let anyone near it, even if they wear a suit. However, there’s one possible way for this to happen, and that’s Loki’s godhood and magic.
In Loki Season 2 Episode 1, we see that after Mobius pulls Loki from time, he’s wearing no suit and still managing to survive against the radiation. The same thing happens in one of the Loki Season 2 teasers where we see Loki going toward the launcher without a suit for protection. This could mean that he’s able to deliver the multiplier to the launcher and extend the Loom so that TVA remains and nothing catastrophic happens in Episodes 5 and 6.
Is Victor Timely Dead in Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Ending?

Right now, yes. Not just Victor Timely, but everyone in the TVA is now considered to be dead after what happened by the Loki Season 2 Episode 4 ending. However, the theory of time loop and Loki going back in time is still very much an option; which means Victor Timely might return.
To sum up the whole Loki Season 2 Episode 4 Ending:
- MCU won’t be rebooted and we’ll see how in Episode 5.
- TVA is probably trapped in a time loop with Loki.
- Loki has already sent himself back in time in Episode 4, meaning that there’s still a chance to save TVA with a new method in the remaining episodes.
- Victor Timely might return if the time is turned back with Loki in the remaining episodes.