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Marvel’s Blood Hunt event promised to be its bloodiest yet…and it did not disappoint. The debut issue released and already three Marvel heroes have died. As a new breed of vampire emerges from the shadows and aims to conquer the world, three Avengers have fallen in their attempt to keep the world safe. The bloody event comes from the creative team of Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia, and Cory Petit. While Marvel promoted the event as one of the bloodiest and most gruesome in the publisher’s history, it is ramping up to be much worse than anyone thought.
Fallen Heroes

Blood Hunt #1 opens with the sun suddenly getting blocked out. This leaves the world in darkness and gives swarms of vampires the opportunity to emerge from the dark. As Blade warns the Avengers about this new threat, they attempt to transport him to their base, the Impossible City. However, instead of Blade, the Avengers find the newly revealed breed of vampires known as the Bloodcoven in his place. The Bloodcoven proceed to unleash Hell on Earth’s Mightiest.
Each member of the Bloodcoven targets an Avenger. The blade-wielding Damascene makes a short work of Thor with a quick stab through the skull. Then, the leader Bloodstorm One makes quick work of Black Panther. Bloodstorm One then sets its sights on Sam Wilson, wanting to make a vampiric Captain America under his control. However, the third death comes in the form of a betrayal. While the Avengers fight, Doctor Strange and Clea work on some magic to rid them of these bloodsuckers. They are joined by Blade who reveals he is the new leader of the vampire organization known as The Structure. Even more, it was Blade who blotted out the sun and gathered the vampires under a common cause. He then stabs Doctor Strange in the back.
Marvel’s Blood Hunt
If you thought the debut of this event was brutal, it is only going to get worse from here. Marvel has been promising that Blood Hunt will be its gnarliest event to take place in the comics. With an eternal night, there is little to stop vampires and other nasties from conquering the world. Now, with three Avengers off the table it just got a lot easier for the bloodsuckers to do as they please. However, it doesn’t seem like Black Panther and the other heroes will truly be gone for long. Especially with Black Panther: Blood Hunt arriving at the end of the month. Still, it is a shock to see such powerful heroes taken down so easily right off the bat.
Blood Hunt #1 is out now.