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Caves are always an intriguing part of exploration in Mojang‘s voxel-based survival hit. It’s dark, creepy, and dangerous– but filled with important resources and interesting vistas that will entice adventurous players to venture forth. If you are up to the task, we have listed some of the best Cave seeds for Minecraft Java and Bedrock 1.21 update.
Note that Bedrock and Java Edition’s terrain and biome generation have been identical since the 1.18 Update. Nevertheless, the placement of structures such as trees, ore, and landmarks will still differ.
[Updated on August 10th – Removed outdated seeds, added new seeds]
Best Cave Seeds for Java Edition
1. Gigantic Cave Seed

- Seed: -3264072345406236618
Let’s start this list with a seed from Oniipon. This humongous and rather scenic Cave biome can be found at X:211 Y:57 Z:-3996. According to Oniipon, there is also an Ancient City somewhere in the Cave, which isn’t surprising considering how huge it looks.
2. Huge Cave with Mineshafts, Trials, and Geodes

- Seed: -709104548824725664
Now, it’s time to roll with the seed from Bustownrolla. There’s a lot to explore as the cavern contains Mineshafts, Trial Chambers, and Geodes. You can find the cave entrance around X:554 Y:150 Z:-269 coordinates; if you see a small stream of lava, you’re at the right place. You can find the same Cave in Bedrock, but the Mineshaft will sadly be missing.
3. Lush Caves Biome with Trial Chambers Next to an End Portal

- Seed: -632964928827606444
There’s nothing sus from SUS_man__‘s Java seed. Head towards X:1224 Y:4 Z:-1867 and you will find sprawling Trial Chambers hidden inside a Lush Cave biome.
4. Massive Basin with Cave Entrances and Villages

- Seed: 8467918739071788530
User phoenlix has found a location that’s perfect to be turned into a base. At X:388 Y:129 Z:540, it’s a huge basin surrounded by cherry blossoms with caves inside. Plus, you will start in a Village and you can find a few others scattered not far away.
5. Cave on a Cliff Inside a Bamboo Forest

- Seed: 1544640073
In lost_n_found_it‘s seed, you will spawn in a Bamboo Forest at X:5 Y125 Y:-10. Turn around, and you should find a huge cavern that can be turned into a safe place to hide.
6. Snowy Huge Cave Seed

Seed: -4138224720041861949
This seed from RicksterCraft features a huge cavern with direct access to the Deep Dark biome. A small patch of snow even reaches the deepest part! It comes complete with a Dripstone Cave and a Lush Cave with intersected Mineshaft. Explore the fascinating area by going to the X:-123 Y:114 Z:-284 coordinate. While the area can still be found in 1.21, this seed works best for the Java 1.19.2 release.
7. Enormous Hollow Mountains Seed at Spawn

- Seed: 1727502807
This one of the best Minecraft Java and Bedrock cave seeds from Stardust Labs starts you on a snowy mountain. Surrounded by Dark Oak Forest and Mushroom Fields, you should soon realize that the mountains and cliffs are hollow. The hollow caves also contain Lush Cave and Deep Dark biome. Both Bedrock and Java players can enjoy this one if you’re just looking for cool terrain.
8. Outpost Guarded Mountain Cave Seed

Seed: -2704739680354707985
Lastly, from Noh_D. As seen above, a Pillager Outpost is guarding a mountain, which is an entry into a Cave with an Ancient City and Mineshaft inside. You can find the guard post at X:-125 Y:106 Z:7. If you’re wondering, the Outpost doesn’t exist in Bedrock, but the Ancient City is intact. We have checked that most stuff is still intact but this seed works best for the Java 1.19.2 release.
Best Cave Seeds for Bedrock Edition
1. Villages and Massive Cave Across Spawn

- Seed: 6036252745828780446
Let’s start the Bedrock list with a bang, thanks to G00L0G. Directly at spawn, you can see a bustling Village at the front and Ice Spikes biome on your back. Inside the mountain behind the Village, you can find a Ruined Portal at X:40 Y:73 Z:184. Then speaking of coordinates, the epic cave spotted above is at X:193 Y:76 Z:314. Best of all, if you head to X:97 Y:-16 Z:122, you’ll find four Diamond Ores and a Trial Chamber!
2. Huge Cavern Network with a Lake On Top

- Seed: -9363014757946579
From LunarApollo_16, this one features a massive, partially exposed Dripstone Cave dungeon. Complete with Mineshafts, Ruined Portals, Trial Chambers, and Geodes; perfect for all wannabe spelunkers out there. Head towards X:-595 Y:25 Z:-729 to locate it.
3. Caves Near an Abandoned Village by Cherry Grove

- Seed: -2951004681918666272
Not far from spawn, you can find an Abandoned Village and a large Cherry Grove on a hill. One might wonder, maybe the Villagers were sucked into one of the cave entrances at X:-245 Y:71 Z:29. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the Cherry Grove, there is a Ruined Portal with loot. The seed was found by Melodic-Internal-532.
4. Lush Cave with Lava Pool

- Seed: -57085321826152358
In Early-Document-8887‘s seed, you can find a Lush Cave that goes from top to bottom at -54 complete with a beautiful lava pool. The whole cavern can be located around X:-10, Z: -70 to X:45 Z:-52. But one of the entrances is not too far from the Jungle biome spawn, at X:82 Y:88 Z:-20
5. Caves that Lead to Deep Dark Seed

- Seed: 727646721926511108
From Welsh_Snowman, explore this seed’s caverns and you’ll come across the Deep Dark biome. Near spawn, there is a Forest, a Snowy biome, and a Village, and you can dig for an Amethyst Geode. You can find the Ancient City at X:-331 Y:-30 Z:-204.
6. Enormous Hollow Mountain Seed

- Seed: 1727502807
This one of the best Minecraft Java and Bedrock cave seeds from Stardust Labs starts you on a snowy mountain. Surrounded by Dark Oak Forest and Mushroom Fields, you should soon realize that the mountains and cliffs are hollow. The hollow caves also contain Lush Cave and Deep Dark biome. Both Bedrock and Java players can enjoy this one if you’re just looking for cool terrain.