“The arch of history bends toward justice,” or does it, Lord Liu Kang? The recent trailer for the Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion reveals more fatalities, blood, and gore than we all expect from a DLC expansion pack, all thanks to Lord Havik. There’s a lot to discuss in this trailer, as we’re teased with a ton of content that’s heading our way. We’re talking Ghostface, a possible No Kameo mode, Animality, Kameos taking part in the story, and the Towers of Time? Slow it down Master Boon, come on. At the end of the day, though, is it enough for a lofty $50 price tag?
In Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, “The Cleric of Khaos is the Keeper of Time,” which is the perfect narrative device to help add more to the story. The trailer begins with a scene from the MK1 story expansion, revealing that Havik will show up in the Outworld for the first time on Lord Liu Kang’s timeline. Specifically, Liu is asking all the warriors in his timeline to face the threat together, including Bi Han.

So far, the story has been revealed nicely. We’ve got the multiverse narrative going on again, and it’s not too far fetched to see a variant of Havik try his best to end the world. However, it is crucial to see how this story ends. If the multiverse is still on again, and anything can happen in Mortal Kombat 2, then things wouldn’t be like MK’s golden age, which might get frustrating over time. For now, we should wait and see what goes, and seek that answer in the final review.
Beyond that, Khameleon and Frost are making their story mode debut in the Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion. This isn’t the first time that a Kameo fighter has been featured in the story mode of MK1, but it is refreshing to see another two on the big screen. However, one gameplay feature that’s coming with this DLC is that you can fight in a No Kameo mode.

The addition of Kameo fighters in Mortal Kombat 1 was a super clever move by the developers at NetherRealm Studios to keep the series fresh with new gameplay mechanics. Mixing up attacks and combo Fatal Blows are super satisfying. But, it really does make things overly complicated, hence why it’s crucial to feature another mode with no Kameo fighters involved. Thanks to the Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion, we’ll have that in a few days.

So when Khaos Reigns, we’ll see a story continuation arriving on Earthealm, a mode without Kameos, and new characters with Kombat Pack 2 that features Ghostface, Conan, and T-1000 as guest kombatants alongside Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot. What’s next for $50? Well, surprisingly enough, there’s more.

The latest Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion trailer gives us a glimpse of what looks to be the Towers of Time. This game mode was first introduced in MK11 with a rotation of towers that feature different objectives, challenges, game modes, and more. This mode can stand beside Invasions, which is another new MK experience that was introduced in Mortal Kombat 1 and was updated as new seasons dropped.

Then there are the free Animality finishers that are coming to the game. This type of Fatality move can be performed by all characters, turning each into an animal that has its own way of killing the opponent, which we haven’t seen since MK3. Combine that with the upcoming seasons, skins, pallets, gear, and new objectives in Invasions mode, and it’s clearly a very exciting time to finally get a sense of what the 2024/2025 lifecycle of Mortal Kombat 1 will offer us fans.
So is it worth the $50 to buy Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns expansion? Absolutely. Even if you don’t own the base game, you can buy the full $70 game with its $50 expansion for the price of only $90. MK1‘s story DLC has proven to be more than a narrative bundle by adding new game modes, characters, and gameplay mechanics to the title.
Honourable mentions here: You’ll receive four exclusive skins that feature a Wedding Scorpion and classic UMK3 Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. And you should note that with Noob Saibot, you’ll net an extra ability called Embrace Khaos, allowing for more damage on all your shadow attacks! It’ll sit right above Johnny Cage’s Star.