Most of the Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Season 7 Klues are riddles; NEW TO THE BLOCK is, thankfully, an easy one to solve. You can execute this Klue and solve it in its place with any character, while there’s no need for any flashy Fatality move or timed Brutalities with Kameo fighters. To be clear, it’s more of a block practice than solving a mystery for rewards.
How To Complete New To The Block Klue in Mortal Kombat 1

You can complete the NEW TO THE BLOCK Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Season 7 by simply blocking the enemy moves by holding the R2/RT button. You’ve got a weak Dark Raiden variant as the opponent in this match, and his moves are so predictable. Just remember, don’t beat the poor AI until you’ve done some blocking.
You need to successfully stop at least 3 of his attacks to solve the NEW TO THE BLOCK Klue, and it’s better if these blocks are chained one after another. I once failed the objective even after making 5 blocks that weren’t in a row. For that, make sure you keep your distance from Raiden as he might just do a grappling attack and you can not block that one. Jumping backward instead of running could help to stay away from any grapple moves.
Completing the NEW TO THE BLOCK Klue in Mortal Kombat 1 Invasions Season 7 rewards you with the Mistress of Fans Kitana skin, a common Relic, and 100 Seasonal Koins to spend on items. Since it’s the Sun Do Festival, it’s pretty common to receive a skin for one of the Outworld’s Princesses.
Mortal Kombat 1 is currently available to play on PS5,