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Despite the crossover fighting market being ruled by the likes of Super Smash Bros., that didn’t stop Warner Bros. Games from trying to bring every licensed character in its portfolio into an all-out brawl. What we got was MultiVersus, which, if you didn’t know, was online from 2022 to 2023 and then took a hiatus until it returned in May 2024. With the long wait, uncertainty, and other live service games out there, many wondered if heading back to MultiVersus was the right call. Well, after playing for several hours, I can tell you that I can’t put my controller down due to how engaging and newcomer-friendly it is.
As a free-to-play game, I was skeptical about jumping back into it. In fact, I was expecting a bunch of microtransactions and limited game modes at first. However, what I experienced was something slightly more refreshing. Yes, there are a lot of currencies I couldn’t even bother to memorize. And yes, there’s a store full of optional bundles for you to purchase. Still, the amount of content I played in my short time made me think MultiVersus has the foundations to be a big live service game in 2024. That is if the game doesn’t drop the ball with changes people don’t want.
A Perfect Battleground for Newcomers

One thing I always despise about most live service games is how unbalanced they feel for new players. Even if you have a bit of experience in a certain genre, you’ll get your butt handed to you by weird matchmaking issues or convoluted mechanics. Not here. MultiVersus in 2024 has one of the smoothest onboarding processes for players. Take me, for example; I’m not a fighting gaming expert. I like to smash buttons aimlessly and pray some of my hits might land. And while I was scared of meeting Bruce Lee-level gamers in MultiVersus, that didn’t happen. I got paired up with players with a similar skill to mine and even managed to score a few wins.
But that’s not all. The full version of MultiVersus offers many options for anyone fearful enough to try a PvP match. By heading to the events screen, you can spot many PvE modes that task you with fighting against many of the characters in the game’s roster. This is great for practice but also good for earning rewards. Now, instead of getting Battle Pass experience after a match, I noticed everything is tied to missions. This might not be everyone’s cup of tea because the game only encourages you to play for a bit and leave, but I like the fact that it respects my time.
License To Fight

However, the high point of MultiVersus in 2024 is the fantastic roster it has. While Super Smash Bros. sticks to the epic fights pitting some serious characters such as Joker from Persona 5 against Cloud Strife, MultiVersus leans into the more irreverent and ridiculous side of things, but in a fun way. Watching Steven Universe beat the ever-living edginess out of Batman or seeing Harley Quinn get tossed around by a Gremlin is extremely fun. I love that MultiVersus embraces this weirdness. It reminds me of the good ol’ Looney Tunes days with anvils falling from the sky and explosions around every corner.
Sadly, getting a new character will take a while. You either pull out the credit card or grind yourself to death. The game’s economy isn’t as welcoming as everything else. While there are many activities, even after you finish all of them, you might only have enough currency for one new fighter. While I understand a free-to-play game needs to stay afloat, this might deter many players. Still, the free Battle Pass as a welcome reward is great, and assuming you no-life your way through MultiVersus, you might unlock your favorite fighter soon enough.
Is MultiVersus Worth Playing in 2024?

In conclusion, I feel MultiVersus is worth playing in 2024. With it being so accessible for everyone, playing a few matches and then moving on to something else feels fine. I don’t see myself jumping into its ranked mode in the future, but I already have a goal set of leveling up Wonder Woman and unlocking Harley Quinn. What I like is that MultiVersus respects my playtime by offering me enough missions to get currency at my own pace.
Sadly, hardcore fighting gamers will have a challenging time. If you’re up for the grind, I wish you luck because it’s a steep road to climb. Still, with how easy the controls are, anyone can jump in at any time and try it out. And, despite how accessible everything might seem, experienced fighters can still pull off some slick combos and blast you off the stage in seconds. All in all, MultiVersus is an entertaining all-rounder experience you should try in 2024.