The next expansion for Neverwinter releases in August and will feature the gith as a new playable race and a never before seen area to explore. As we get closer to the window, Cryptic Studios is teasing what fans will find once reaching the space base of Stardock.
As a part of the development team’s blog updates, environment artist Jason Marquez posted why the crew decided to take the battle above Toril and the reason they threw in a bit of science fiction into the fantasy-themed genre.

The goal here was to give players something visually refreshing and something they wouldn’t expect. Thanks to Halaster and the many portals in Undermountain, it gave us a great avenue for something unique. For the first time we get to look out onto the world in which we travel: Toril!”
The many zones featured in Neverwinter rely heavily on fetch quests, monster hunting, and seeking out NPCs. Every area is unique and introduces an interesting environment no matter whether it’s a volcano spewing molten lava or a cavern system covered with gold deposits and Drow. However, there are times when the views in Neverwinter are a bit drab and enemies feature the same attack routine. But Marquez says Stardock is looking to change that.

With the location chosen we set out to create a visually visceral experience for players. With nothing quite like this currently in the game it was definitely a breath of fresh air; not just to create, but to adventure to as well.”
With a game so steeped in the fantasy setting, it’s exciting to be able to explore another aspect of the Dungeons and Dragons lore. While, yes, the RPG does revolve around dragons and magic, there are several enemies within the world that do come from the stars; in some fiction that includes the gith, mind flayers, and beholders.
Uprising will be available August 13 on PC. No word yet on when it will be available for PS4 or