The rumor mill surrounding Nintendo’s next console is working overtime, with supposed leaks flooding the internet. Accessories like screen protectors and console covers labeled ‘Nintendo Switch 2‘ have already popped up on various online retailers including Amazon. Armchair hardware analysts have also seen its chips and argued about the upcoming hybrid console, comparing it to base PS4 power. The biggest stir of the Nintendo Switch 2 hardware and accessories leaks, however, came from CES 2025.
On the event floor, peripheral maker Genki Things showcased a mockup they claimed represented the Switch 2. According to French media Numerama, Genki asserted its accessories were based on a Nintendo Switch 2 hardware leak they had acquired.
The peripheral maker further claimed the successor console is set to release in April 2025 and revealed supposed new features of the Joy-Con controllers.
Using Google Translate, among the alleged updates listed by the French media are:
- Magnets for attaching controllers without sliding them into the console.
- An optical sensor
- A new ‘C button’ on the right Joy-Con with yet unknown functionality.
Numerama noted that it is ‘impossible to tell’ if these are real accessories or just replicas for promotional purposes.
Nintendo, absent from CES 2025, swiftly denied the claims. Speaking to Japanese outlet Sankei Shinbun, the company stated, “The images and videos are not official.” This marks the first time Nintendo has directly commented on the swirling Switch 2 hardware and accessories leaks. Though the response leaves plenty of room for interpretation by fans anyway.
“Note that they did not say that those were wrong,” wrote Famiboard user fwd-bwd.
“not official doesn’t mean not real,” said @HotHairNutsack on X.

Still, a representative from Genki Thing later told Japanese media Game*Spark that the company hasn’t even seen the product yet. He added that Genki ‘doesn’t know’ whether accessories for the current hardware will be compatible with Nintendo Switch 2. A leaked mockup it acquired suggests the Nintendo Switch 2’s width matches two iPhone SEs. Its height is ‘approximately 80%’ of a single iPhone SE.
At the time of writing, Genki Thing’s Nintendo Switch 2 accessories page is still up. On it, a video of said mockup is shown, along with a tagline that hypes up its future products. “The Next Evolution in Gaming is Coming… We’re working on something extraordinary for the next handheld.”