Many women regularly describe the bad behavior that men have towards them everywhere they go. In addition, men often mansplain, gatekeep, or tease women when they have hobbies or jobs in “male-dominated” areas. For example, a woman working as an auto mechanic or for simple things like wearing a t-shirt with a band, which translates to a band’s interrogatory to show they are a real fan. Well, in this TikTok, a man from North Carolina created a combo to question a female biker about the power of her motorcycle in an attempt to humiliate her. Try is the key word because this biker is very clever and has a very sharp tongue.
The user in question is neonflyer, who usually shares on TikTok snippets of her life, family, things related to riding motorcycles, and above all, recording the worst drivers in her county. The viral video is where neonflyer and the SUV driver were waiting for the traffic light to turn green. The SUV driver started asking questions about the motorcycle and then “ingeniously” said: “Isn’t that a big bike for a little girl?”. This driver didn’t expect the Neonflyer to respond with this incredible comeback: “No. Isn’t that a large SUV for such a tiny man?”. She even made a gesture with her fingers for small. The North Carolina man couldn’t take his same energy and started insulting the female biker before whining off to lick his wounds.
Oh so they are allowed to say things like that, but if we do it, they get mad. Wow.
As the saying goes, “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” The man thought his opinions mattered to others and would make the biker feel bad, but it only showed how pathetic he really was.
The way they HATE when their behavior is mirrored back onto them😭
I thought it was much more common to know that creatures with bright colors are poisonous, but clearly, the man didn’t know that when confronted with this neon biker. Anyway, this wouldn’t have happened if the man had minded his own business.